From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
Sean Conners aka SConn1's Articles » Page 8
May 3, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Every once in a while, you read something that makes you spit out your coffee or tea...this morning, this made me have to clean a mess up... Will Magazines About Blogging Become the New New Dancing About Architecture? Jason Linkins | Posted Tuesday May 1, 2007 at 10:54 AM Believe it or not, there actually does exist a magazine called Blogger & Podcaster. And yes, the tagline is: "For Aspiring New Media Titans." And yes, you won't even come close to being the first to mock the effor...
May 3, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Every once in a while, you read something that makes you spit out your coffee or tea...this morning, this made me have to clean a mess up... Will Magazines About Blogging Become the New New Dancing About Architecture? Jason Linkins | Posted Tuesday May 1, 2007 at 10:54 AM Believe it or not, there actually does exist a magazine called Blogger & Podcaster. And yes, the tagline is: "For Aspiring New Media Titans." And yes, you won't even come close to being the first to mock the effor...
May 2, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
In Washington D.C., Judge Roy Pearson is showing the nation why our Constitution is so important. Not by serving a slew of well thought out, principled, yet pragmatic decisions. But with his abuse of his power, over a pair of pants. 2 years ago, the judge enlisted the services of a local dry cleaner. The neighborhood dry cleaner, who seems an otherwise reliable service provider, as the failed "class action" suit the judge attemted failed, allegedly lost his pants. The result is Judge ...
May 2, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
This lady gives a great commentary on the stress that our military families are experiencing due to this administration's reckless policies and lack of planning have caused. Policies that Mr Kristol has been pushing since the beginning. the self described "orig. neocon" chickenhawk tries to show how "regular guy" he is but exposes himself for being the narrowminded, pompous, misdirected ideologue that he is. Billy just can't get enough war. Billy thinks that our military should be a tool t...
May 2, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Just quick, dumb questions about the point system here. How is it that lulapilgrim has shot up to 9th on 1 article? is this the most read article in JU history? i looked at the responses, which only lasted for 6 days. I don't see the article dominating the "most read " charts, unless i missed something. is she posting like mad somewhere else and that is bringing the score up so uber-rapidly? the point system is what it is and people have aired grievences with it in the past. this is...
May 2, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Much has been made overthe past few years about profiling. Profiling is the practice of looking for certain "types" of people and holding them under greater scrutiny. And while the practice of singling out people based on their race, religion, gender or whatever will always be a "hot button" debate issue, republican lawmakers are lobbying Speaker Nanci Pelosi for something more extreme. The Washington Times reported that republican lawmakers are trying to get Pelosi to protect legislation ...
May 1, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
This morning, when dropping my son off for school, a few students were putting the American Flag up for the day. Their handling of it was horrible. The flag was "bunched up" and not properly folded. It hit the ground several times while they were fumbling with it. And several other "violations" of how I was raised to handle our flag as well. The students in question are mostlikely in the 11 or 12 range roughly. At 1st, I was offended by the handling of the flag. Moreso, I was offended tha...
May 1, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Ispend most of my time on JU debating politics. I do enjoy, however, taking a break from the current event scene and checking out some articles on other subjects. Of course, on this site, there are plenty of articles about "skinning" which is something I admittedly don't understand fully. I do understand that Stardock is in the business of skinning and it is quite a hobby for some who frequent here. I recently came across an article asking about the effect of overly nice or purposefully me...
May 1, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Last week, the 8 declared candidates for the democratic nomination squared off in what turned out to be a mostly uneventful "meet and greet" in South Carolina. Outside of an impressive performance and the "line of the night" from Senator Joe Biden, not much was learned except that Barack needs to prepare better for his next debate and Hillary is prepared as advertised. There are 10 participants in the 90 minute show, moderated by MSNBC host of "Hardball, " Chris Matthews. So don't expect...
April 27, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
It's easy to defend the things we like. It's easy to defend the people we like. It's easy to conceive that the things and people we like and want for ourselves should be our "right." But rights aren't about things we like. Rights are about things we don't like. Defending free speech is about defending your enemies right to speak. It's about speech and things that fall under the 1st ammendment that we despise. When the Supreme Court upheld Larry flynt's rights, they weren't endorsing Hustl...
April 27, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Congress has sent the appropriations bill on the Iraq war as they promised. They have listened to the American people who have overwhelmigly demanded, as their employers, that President Bush begin a withdrawal from Iraq. The bill is not my ideal bill, but it is at least in the direction the nation has pointed the government in. The President has responded with the false argument that those who want out of Iraq "are trying to tell the generals what to do." This is a lie. The Congress isn't...
April 27, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Last night, the 8 democratic candidates took center stage in South Carolina. They took part in a 90 minute, introduce yourself to america kind of debate. While nothing will be won or lost from this debate, in all likelihood, some did well and could see some poll bumps. Others, might see some numbers slip. And of course, for the lower tiered candidates, slipping much lower could cause their ability to compete down the road, unless you're Mike Gravel, who seems to be running the "make some poi...
April 27, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
"The key to Iraq is the sharing of the oil revenues" is a line we hear about the political solutions of the country. And I don't doubt that necessarily. I am no nation builder, and defer to people more knowledgeable on the subject, like Joe Biden, who's plan calls for such a move. Of course, he is not alone. virtually every expert on Iraq concurs. Iraq concurs. But what puzzles me, is why the right wing capatalist uber-alles types concurring? Sharing the revenue of the nation's oil is ...
April 27, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
this week, scientists announced the discovery of a planet, about 20 light years away, that seems similar to earth in the respect that it might be able to support life. Or, for all we know, may already support life. I thought about those those signals we send out to "see who's out there" that contain little snipits of our culture, language and so forth. And it was suggested to me that perhaps the signals that are picked up might not be the ones we purposefully send, but one of the many rad...
April 27, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
this week, scientists announced the discovery of a planet, about 20 light years away, that seems similar to earth in the respect that it might be able to support life. Or, for all we know, may already support life. I thought about those those signals we send out to "see who's out there" that contain little snipits of our culture, language and so forth. And it was suggested to me that perhaps the signals that are picked up might not be the ones we purposefully send, but one of the many rad...