From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
Sean Conners aka SConn1's Articles » Page 10
April 3, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
When most people, even those who follow politics, think of the name "Dowd," they usually think of left wing uber-feminist Maureen Dowd. If someone was to read an article titled “Kerry Was Right,” and knew that someone named "Dowd" wrote it, the most likely assumption would be that it was written by the forementioned Maureen Dowd. But in this case, like too many others, most people would be wrong. The op-ed was written, but never submitted by a man that can only be described as a "true be...
April 2, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
If you ever wanted to see how people who call themselves "Libertarians" can be so different from each other, check out this interview from the weekend. It is from social Libertarian Bill Maher's show, "RealTime with Bill Maher." Here he chats with old school Conservative Libertarian Ron Paul of Texas who ran for President in 1988 under the Libertarian banner and is currently seeking the GOP nomination for 2008. 2 libertarians. 2 different viewpoints. Some common ground. And a civil discu...
April 2, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
In our society, there are polls to show trends in just about everything. In fact, the most popular show on network tv these days is in effect, a popularity poll. Most of the polls that I see, however, are about politics. And where polls can be used and interpreted for a variey of things, many times, people, but more often than not, the media, totally misuses these devices. Polls are not definitive. They all have "margins of error" meaning that if someone garners a 50% approval in a poll, ...
April 2, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
One of the big "problems" the right has with Hillary Clinton is her conduct in the White House during Bill's tenure as Commander in Chief. Every 1st lady has had their "pet projects" while their husband boldy lead the free world, but all of the previous 1st lady projects have been the type a local community or church would via a "Women's Guild" or the "Ladies Auxiluary" or equally inane organization. The 1st lady is usually expected to read to school children, make people "aware" of illiterac...
March 30, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
I criticize this President and this administration often. I make no secret that I have big problems with the way they have mismanaged and mislead our country since coming to office in January of 2001. But today, George Bush made me proud. Today, Bush visited the much maligned Walter Reed Medical Center. The facility and it's leadership have been under fire since pulitzer prize award holder Dana Priest broke a story exposing the failure of "providing the best care possible" as promised,...
March 29, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
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March 29, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
the following is a hilarious comedy routine by the President. it is as funny as any daily show I have ever seen. It's nice to see the President can still poke fun at himself. enjoy!
March 29, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
the following is a hilarious comedy routine by the President. it is as funny as any daily show I have ever seen. It's nice to see the President can still poke fun at himself. enjoy!
March 28, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
People write a lot of things here on JoeUser. Some of theings are profound, some are stupid. Some of them deal with our daily lives, some of them are complete fiction and fantasy. Many of the articles on here, and probably the most popular categories beyond the ones concerning either skinning or galactic civillizations are the ones concerning current events, namely, politics. At least they appear to be to me. But that is probably because I spend the bulk of my time either writing or respo...
March 27, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Since the handover in Congress in January, I have noticed something interesting. Now that Congress is beginning to get back to the task of executive oversight after a long hiatus, everything is now the media's fault. At least, according to the Neoconservatives. Sure, there are always the complaints from either side charging bias whenever anyone makes a compelling argument for or against an issue they hold dear on the opposite side of the fence. But htis is more of the "chicken little" vari...
March 27, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Last weekend, Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning hosted the perrenial late night favorite, Saturday Night Live. The show featured a mock "United Way" ad that was absolutely hilarious. Universal has quickly stopped the Youtube crowd from sharing this funny ad, so the only place you can see it is here... Link enjoy! If the link doesn't work, copy/paste the following...
March 27, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
Last weekend, Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning hosted the perrenial late night favorite, Saturday Night Live. The show featured a mock "United Way" ad that was absolutely hilarious. Universal has quickly stopped the Youtube crowd from sharing this funny ad, so the only place you can see it is here... Link enjoy! If the link doesn't work, copy/paste the following...
March 25, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
This week, Senator James Inhofe found his panties in a bundle when he realized he wasn't in charge and couldn't just filibuster former vice president Al Gore in the hearings that Gore was asked to come and testify at. Gore tried to remain cordial as possible while Inhofe, not being able to emotionally deal with the fact that he couldn't just push his opposition around and "fix the game" as he had done in his tenure as the committee chair. Finally, the actual chair of the committee, Barbara Bo...
March 21, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
this is a subject that often does spark some good debate. There are many theories on how much someone "should" make when offering a product or service. Pure capatalist types, contend that "whatever the market will bear" is the only way to go. They contend that all other factors are irrelevant. They are more comfortable in a realm where laws such as "supply and demand" which are constant, rule the day. Objections of fairness, sacrifice and decency play no role whatsoever. Others contend tha...
March 21, 2007 by Sean Conners aka SConn1
In 2001, Congress rubber stamped the Patriot Act with the blessing of the vast majority of American people. But after the "bumpersticker" and "wear it on your sleeve" brand of patriotism wore off for some, they began to question the constitutional ramifications and loss of civil liberties it would cause our great nation. Of course, in the style that we all have become accustomed to, the White House and it's puntitry immediately smeared anyone who dared question them. Questions of potent...