From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
maybe it's just politics, maybe it's not...
Published on November 1, 2006 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In US Domestic
Now, maybe I have seen it all in politics. Next Tuesday may prove that statement wrong, but for now, I think I have.

Two days ago, Senator John Kerry was stumping for the already defeated California democratic gubenatorial candidate. Kerry went into a bunch of one-liners about President Bush. As usual, John Kerry is no Henny Youngman or even Carrot Top. In his monologue, he made a reference to people who don't pay attention and study in school "get stuck in Iraq."

This obscure line would have drifted into the political graveyard except for one thing. The butt of the joke, the one being called "stupid", didn't get it. The one being called stupid was the President.

Now, I'm not calling the President stupid here, but Kerry's line was seemingly validated when President Bush missed the point just like they've missed so many points over the last 6 years.

Bush took the line as an insult to the troops, as if we still have a draft. As if kids who flunk out of school have to go into the military.

Someone needs to remind the President that no draft exists, and failed students more often than not go to work, not the military.

But the lack of realization didn't stop the Campaigner in Chief and his punditry from going on the attack. They boldly went into the land of feet looking for mouths to inhabit , charging that Kerry owed the troops an apology.

No he doesn't. Mr President, you and your pundits owe Mr Kerry an apology for once again being so eager to trash him, that the facts are discarded.

But unlike the lying Swift Boat attacks, this time, Mr Kerry was not gonna take it or wait for a never coming overdue apology. In a response to the White House's delusional charges, Mr Kerry said this...

"I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy."

Kerry said the comment in question was "a botched joke about the president and the president's people, not about the troops ... and they know that's what I was talking about."

And he didn't stop there...

That, Kerry said, was meant as a reference to Bush, not troops. Kerry said it is the president who owes U.S. soldiers an apology — for "a Katrina foreign policy" that misled the country into war in Iraq, failed to adequately study and plan for the aftermath, has not properly equipped troops and has expanded the terrorist threat.

"I'm sick and tired of a bunch of despicable Republicans who will not debate real policy, who won't take responsibility for their own mistakes, standing up and trying to make other people the butt of those mistakes," he said. "It disgusts me that a bunch of these Republican hacks who've never worn the uniform of our country are willing to lie about those who did."

It's about time that John Kerry got his spine back. Maybe George Bush needs to get Karl Rove in his office so he can have his brain back. That is, if Mr Kerry was correct.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 02, 2006
just a couple of notes...charles, i already apologized to baker for misinterpreting his words,,,your attack is irrelevant.

and hillary was wrong. just like harold ford was.

kerry apologized, i didn't think he should have.

as far as my libertarian stances gideon, i hold a lot of libertarian values. but i don't let my political beliefs stand in the way of deeper moralities. i've said before, some of the libertarian viewpoints are too "in a perfect world" to be practical in my view. you can feel free to attack me any way you wish. but it's not gonna change my mind. of course gideon, if i am no longer welcome in the party, just let me know. but as far as i know, myself and my ideas have been welcomed.

on Nov 02, 2006
and hillary was wrong

And that is "your" opinion. If this line was "supposed" to be a joke, then how about letting the rest of us in on it?

BTW it isn't just Hillary saying that:

Pressured by Republicans and some Democrats to apologize, Kerry abandoned the defiant stance he took on Tuesday, when he accused Republicans of twisting his words. He told radio host Don Imus he was "sorry about a botched joke" and called what he said "stupid."
on Nov 02, 2006
And that is "your" opinion

yes it is...and you are really beating a dead horse here.
on Nov 02, 2006
da mark of da moron.

Hey kingflee, your ignorance is showing.

just a couple of notes...charles, i already apologized to baker for misinterpreting his words,,,your attack is irrelevant.

Like drmiller said, your opinion. I see why you defend Kerry like you do, you open your mouth and insert your foot then you deem any attacks irrelevant. Be a man and except you screwed up just like your buddy Back Bone Kerry did and take the responses like a man as oppose to ignoring them.

Anyways who cares, I actually ask myself why I or anyone else bothers with people like you; like Kerry, you guys do a great job shooting yourselves in the foot, again and again. Are you a Col as well?
on Nov 02, 2006
kerry apologized, i didn't think he should have.

What he should have to do is face trial for his war crimes, and explain to the nation why, as a U.S. Naval Officer, he met with enemy generals in Paris.

Capital crimes apparently don't mean crap to democrats.
on Nov 03, 2006
ted,,why are you trying to bait me into defending john kerry on everything he has done in his life? i have heard that charge made, but i have no idea how or if he has answered it. i also don't know if the charge is accurate. why don't you ask him?

i don't claim to be some ultimate fan of john kerry by any means. i don't hate the guy, but he's hardly one of my favorite senators. i just don't think he should have apologized. he chose to. that's his perrogative being in the political climate we are all so obviously in.

on Nov 03, 2006
your ignorance is showing

purely and completely a compliment comin from someone who somehow managed to doublepost a two comment reply (although, strangely enough, both parts were combined the second time around) in which the next-to-the-last paragraph consists mostly of 'LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL'.

especially, if i'm correct in thinking you truly did laugh out loud and then laughed out loud again before laughing out once more, etc. etc. etc.
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