From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
maybe it's just politics, maybe it's not...
Published on November 1, 2006 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In US Domestic
Now, maybe I have seen it all in politics. Next Tuesday may prove that statement wrong, but for now, I think I have.

Two days ago, Senator John Kerry was stumping for the already defeated California democratic gubenatorial candidate. Kerry went into a bunch of one-liners about President Bush. As usual, John Kerry is no Henny Youngman or even Carrot Top. In his monologue, he made a reference to people who don't pay attention and study in school "get stuck in Iraq."

This obscure line would have drifted into the political graveyard except for one thing. The butt of the joke, the one being called "stupid", didn't get it. The one being called stupid was the President.

Now, I'm not calling the President stupid here, but Kerry's line was seemingly validated when President Bush missed the point just like they've missed so many points over the last 6 years.

Bush took the line as an insult to the troops, as if we still have a draft. As if kids who flunk out of school have to go into the military.

Someone needs to remind the President that no draft exists, and failed students more often than not go to work, not the military.

But the lack of realization didn't stop the Campaigner in Chief and his punditry from going on the attack. They boldly went into the land of feet looking for mouths to inhabit , charging that Kerry owed the troops an apology.

No he doesn't. Mr President, you and your pundits owe Mr Kerry an apology for once again being so eager to trash him, that the facts are discarded.

But unlike the lying Swift Boat attacks, this time, Mr Kerry was not gonna take it or wait for a never coming overdue apology. In a response to the White House's delusional charges, Mr Kerry said this...

"I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy."

Kerry said the comment in question was "a botched joke about the president and the president's people, not about the troops ... and they know that's what I was talking about."

And he didn't stop there...

That, Kerry said, was meant as a reference to Bush, not troops. Kerry said it is the president who owes U.S. soldiers an apology — for "a Katrina foreign policy" that misled the country into war in Iraq, failed to adequately study and plan for the aftermath, has not properly equipped troops and has expanded the terrorist threat.

"I'm sick and tired of a bunch of despicable Republicans who will not debate real policy, who won't take responsibility for their own mistakes, standing up and trying to make other people the butt of those mistakes," he said. "It disgusts me that a bunch of these Republican hacks who've never worn the uniform of our country are willing to lie about those who did."

It's about time that John Kerry got his spine back. Maybe George Bush needs to get Karl Rove in his office so he can have his brain back. That is, if Mr Kerry was correct.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 01, 2006
like I said twist, turn, run,

where the hell have i changed my stance on anything or have run away? as you can see, my position is consistant, and i am right here.
on Nov 01, 2006
they are showing how shameless they are in exploiting something

Ah, in other words, shame on them for being politicians. Right?

Afterall, they all lie, they all twist, and I don't think there is a single one of them who even knows what the word shame means anymore.
on Nov 01, 2006
Ah, in other words, shame on them for being politicians. Right?

good one blue...a good line for those of us who get all wrapped up in it too

on Nov 01, 2006
For someone that is educated at an institution of higher learning, you would think he would have a better grasp of how to use the English language and the use of context.

Read his exact statement. The 'you' in his sentence never changes context. It remains the students; his audience.

"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

The only way this was a 'botched' joke is if Kerry, for the moment, forgot which 'you' he was talking about.

I'll grant that he may not be as intelligent as some give him credit for, but this is freshman high school sentence parsing. It's not that hard to follow.

on Nov 01, 2006
All politicians are liars.

Case closed.

I'm generally underqualified to post on many politcal issues, but I can honestly say you are 100% correct on this one LW.
on Nov 01, 2006

The real joke is Kerry's explanation, since it doesn't work anyway.

If he was talking about the uneducated Bush administration...who in the Bush administration doesn't have at least 1 college degree?  If it was a poke at the people who "got us stuck" in Iraq, then he is making fun of himself, since he was one who voted for it.

So, his explanation is still as lame as the "botched joke" itself.

on Nov 01, 2006
LOL, I can't help but laugh at all the silly defenses Sean put up for every reply someone gave him. Gotta hand it to you, at least you're much better at it than Col gene is. Sometimes I think both of you (Sean and Col for those who need explanations) have lots of things in common, you're refusal to admit defeat when proof to the contrary is provided, your passion for your belief and even your ability to use the cut/paste feature. Hell you both even deny something you wrote just a few post before:

guy,,,i didn't call baker a liar 1st,

But you did:

probably not, baker will try to scream his lie[/B] over and over

But wait, it gets better:

and i took that as him calling me a liar.

Here you claim that you understood it was you who he called a liar when in fact you understood very well what he meant when you posted this:

no he isn't, and that's pretty obvious.

He as in Kerry, not I, he. And you are mad cause you felt he called you a liar?

that's not calling me a liar, again?

It would have had to happen before in order for it to be again, I checked closely and I see nowhere where he called you a liar directly except after you called him a liar first, which you denied afterwards.

It seems that you put yourself in the middle of a backwards defense. You lie claiming to be called a liar, you lie claiming never to have called him a liar, then you lie when you say he called you a liar again. It seems that you did a better job killing your defense than any lawyer could have, this being a court case of course (in case you decide to use one of your famous "what does this have to do" lines).

The only thing that's more of a joke on this article than Kerry is you Sean, and here's why:

Now, I'm not calling the President stupid here, but Kerry's line was seemingly validated when President Bush missed the point just like they've missed so many points over the last 6 years.

Ah, you seem to be lying, [B]again. I'm not calling him stupid but he is stupid?


(continue on the next reply)
on Nov 01, 2006
(Continuation from above)

you can be upset with kerry callin the president stupid, but calling kerry a liar is just wrong.

And you can be upset with others calling Kerry a liar. Why are you unfair? Why is it OK for Kerry to call our President stupid, but it's not OK to call him a liar? Man, just throw freedom of speech out the window won't ya. Here's something so that you can't say Kerry does not lie:

"I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy."

His own words on your own article, right? OK, now, this is what Kerry had to say today:

"I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended," he said in a written statement.

If this is not lying, I don't know what is. To say he will apologize to no one, then give an apology today? And you (Sean) had the balls to say:

It's about time that John Kerry got his spine back.

But wait, it only gets better:

i disagree,,,they are showing how shameless they are in exploiting something that they twisted themselves and have tossed all facts out the window for potential political gain.

LOL, this was the funniest thing you said thru out the entire article. Americans must really be stupid to vote for the shameless, lying, stupid, word twisting Republicans when we have the honest Democrats who would never use such tactics to win elections cause they want to be voted for for what they can do, not for how stupid others are. They would never use this against the Republicans. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. If what you say is true, then Col gene really is a Republican. LOL LOL LOL.

Back Bone Kerry, the one who would apologize to no one but did anyways, has once again managed to follow the simple 3 steps open mouth, lift leg, insert foot in mouth exercise he is so famous for. At least we have an idea what things would have been like had Kerry won the elections in 2004.
on Nov 02, 2006
Afterall, they all lie, they all twist, and I don't think there is a single one of them who even knows what the word shame means anymore.

Ah, you cynical old cuss. Surely someone, like our beloved ORRIN, still has his "values" in place, right?

on Nov 02, 2006
disagree,,,they are showing how shameless they are in exploiting something that they twisted themselves and have tossed all facts out the window for potential political gain.

Wrong answer! Even the "biggest" democrat that I know came out and told the media that what Kerry said was totally inexcusable! That democrat was Sen Hillary Clinton!
on Nov 02, 2006
dolt, i'm a libertarian. i have the card to prove it.

You're the first Libertarian I've ever seen that advocates for more government programs, Sean. As an LP candidate, I got blasted pretty badly by my own for making a proposal for a publicly accessible transit system in our rural area as part of my platform until I made it very clear the program I envision would be privately funded.
on Nov 02, 2006
disagree,,,they are showing how shameless they are in exploiting something that they twisted themselves and have tossed all facts out the window for potential political gain.

Wrong answer! Even the "biggest" democrat that I know came out and told the media that what Kerry said was totally inexcusable! That democrat was Sen Hillary Clinton!

Lets see you squirm your way out of this one.
on Nov 02, 2006
LOL, I can't help but laugh at all the silly defenses Sean put up for every reply someone gave him. Gotta hand it to you, at least you're much better at it than Col gene is. Sometimes I think both of you (Sean and Col for those who need explanations) have lots of things in common, you're refusal to admit defeat when proof to the contrary is provided, your passion for your belief and even your ability to use the cut/paste feature. Hell you both even deny something you wrote just a few post before:

guy,,,i didn't call baker a liar 1st,

But you did:

probably not, baker will try to scream his lie[/B] over and over

But wait, it gets better:

and i took that as him calling me a liar.

Here you claim that you understood it was you who he called a liar when in fact you understood very well what he meant when you posted this:

no he isn't, and that's pretty obvious.

He as in Kerry, not I, he. And you are mad cause you felt he called you a liar?

that's not calling me a liar, again?

It would have had to happen before in order for it to be again, I checked closely and I see nowhere where he called you a liar directly except after you called him a liar first, which you denied afterwards.

It seems that you put yourself in the middle of a backwards defense. You lie claiming to be called a liar, you lie claiming never to have called him a liar, then you lie when you say he called you a liar again. It seems that you did a better job killing your defense than any lawyer could have, this being a court case of course (in case you decide to use one of your famous "what does this have to do" lines).

The only thing that's more of a joke on this article than Kerry is you Sean, and here's why:

Now, I'm not calling the President stupid here, but Kerry's line was seemingly validated when President Bush missed the point just like they've missed so many points over the last 6 years.

Ah, you seem to be lying, [B]again. I'm not calling him stupid but he is stupid?


you can be upset with kerry callin the president stupid, but calling kerry a liar is just wrong.

And you can be upset with others calling Kerry a liar. Why are you unfair? Why is it OK for Kerry to call our President stupid, but it's not OK to call him a liar? Man, just throw freedom of speech out the window won't ya. Here's something so that you can't say Kerry does not lie:

"I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy."

His own words on your own article, right? OK, now, this is what Kerry had to say today:

"I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended," he said in a written statement.

If this is not lying, I don't know what is. To say he will apologize to no one, then give an apology today? And you (Sean) had the balls to say:

It's about time that John Kerry got his spine back.

But wait, it only gets better:

i disagree,,,they are showing how shameless they are in exploiting something that they twisted themselves and have tossed all facts out the window for potential political gain.

LOL, this was the funniest thing you said thru out the entire article. Americans must really be stupid to vote for the shameless, lying, stupid, word twisting Republicans when we have the honest Democrats who would never use such tactics to win elections cause they want to be voted for for what they can do, not for how stupid others are. They would never use this against the Republicans. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. If what you say is true, then Col gene really is a Republican. LOL LOL LOL.

Back Bone Kerry, the one who would apologize to no one but did anyways, has once again managed to follow the simple 3 steps open mouth, lift leg, insert foot in mouth exercise he is so famous for. At least we have an idea what things would have been like had Kerry won the elections in 2004.
on Nov 02, 2006
The 'you' in his sentence never changes context. It remains the students; his audience.

yeah...but you know, you fly all the way across the country and you get up on stage and make speeches for candidates you may or may not know well and, you know, you indulge in a lil sarcasm and boom! you're in the shit where it begins to dawn on you (just as it appears you've finally developed the kinda balls you need if you wanna be president) some of your associates may be just be a bit too quick to cut and run. you just can't win dammit

seems to me he's doin the same thing i've just done. while i'm responding to your take on his speech, not even a single 'you' has a thing to do with you.
on Nov 02, 2006

da mark of da moron.
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