From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
and his erection,,,errr,,,I mean the election...
Published on October 3, 2006 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In Current Events
Late night comedians had a field day when Pat Stevens, the Senator in charge of the internet in congress, commented that the internet was a "series of tubes" showing how little he knew about the technology he was overseeing. Of course we all remember George Bush senior needing bar codes to be explained to him in a supermarket, exposing just how little shopping the ex pres actually ever did himself. Michael Dukakis was a walking joke after putting on a helmet and riding around in a tank as if he actually knew what he was doing. When Karl Rove was distracted, Geoge W Bush showed off his bad decision making ability by choosing his personal lawyer as the next Supreme Court justice.

We all laughed at those and other images of our leaders being exposed as less than competent in a situation. That all changed last friday when congressman Mark Foley (R) of Florida was exposed thru a series of emails and instant messages as possibly being an active pedophile. Of course, most know by now, Foley was the congressional leader in charge of protecting our children from the likes of pedophiles. It was literally the fox guarding the henhouse.

Those of us outside the beltway are now learning that Foley's antics and "overfriendliness", a nice term either the republican leadership or the media have invented to gloss over the fact that a predator was put in charge of guarding kids, were well known inside the halls. it apparantly was well known that Foley was gay for years, in fact, there is strong evidence that his orientation was the cause of his sudden withdrawal from a Senate campaign in which Foley had raised over a million dollars to run. But his being gay is not the issue for most of us. Him being a pedophile is.

And are we to believe all this "overfriendliness" and illicit emails / messages in which Foley instructs an underage page to masturbate for him and tells him how much he wants to have sex with him are the extent of his activities? How often does it happen that any kind of "addict" (and i'm not talking about alchoholism unless there's a lot of booze in a page's cum) of this sort merely just does a few related activities but doesn't actually do anything "bad" concerning that decision. How many alchoholics, except for Sam Malone on Cheers, hang out with boozers all the time and don't take a drink? How many gambing addicts "casually" watch a game without placing a wager? And how many of those guys caught on Dateline's "To Catch a Predator" claim that they just came to talk?

I have a feeling there is more to this story, and unfortunately, that "more" will probably include reports of sex with underage boys. It's only specualtion, but from my experience, "addicts", in this case, an addiction to young boys, don't just hang around their prey for some good conversation. And Foley's "hanging around" with the pages was something that occured over his 12 year congressional career. Anyone who knows about hunting knows that you go where the animals are that you are hunting for, and probably wouldn't stay long in an area that had no game. Foley has been "buddying up" to pages for 12 years.

Is the old addage true that "where there is smoke, there is fire?" When it comes to children and predators, as a parent of 2 (and one on the way), I prefer not to take any chances. I wish the house leaders would have taken the same approach if they had any knowledge whatsoever. What is disturbing are reports that this matter, when brought to some light last year, was refferred to an "election" comittee run by the GOP and not a bi-partisan ethics comittee as it should have been. It is beyond political if anyone wanted to squash this story because they feared losing power.

Beyond that, big questions remain about exactly who knew what, and when. the house of representatives leadership is now on the hot seat over allegations that they knew at least of Foley's improper behavior with the pages for some time. I still don't know if that's true or not. I hope it is not. An investigation has been launched, and hopefully that investigation will be complete and fair. If house leaders did know of this, they have breached their trust with the pages and the American people. I don't know if their misdeeds warrant resignation from their seats, but surely resignation from their positions as leaders in the house should be revoked if not voluntarily given. It is essential that the GOP not do anything that even appears as tho they are covering anything up at this point or protecting leaders to save public face. Such a move could backfire hard.

THE most important thing here is the protection of the pages, just as all children need to be protected by our society as a whole. But secondly, it is vital that we find out exactly what has happened here, and if it was just some "improper emails" as White House spokesman Tony Snow would like us to believe. I have a feeling there's more. This is not a partisan or an election issue, it is an issue of principle.

It is sometimes funny when our leaders are exposed for not knowing what is going on. Pat Stevens is probably still trying to figure out how Foley sent all those messages thru those tubes. But nothing about this is funny, in fact , it's downright repugnant.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 03, 2006
Foley's behavior is inexcusable and anyone making this seem less than it is should be jailed, anyone knowing of this before the exposure to the public and did nothing to make it stop, {meaning report to higher authorities} should resign. All and all a thoroughly disgusting display of abuse of power.
on Oct 03, 2006
Yes, Foley has been "outted" for what he really is... a predatory pedophile.

But how long has this been "common knowledge" and why did they choose to expose him now? The stink of Foley is bad, but the stench of those who exposed it letting him off the hook until it fit their political agenda is much worse. Those who exposed him are less concerned with him victimizing teens than they are with getting control of the House.

Who is lower, the scum who preys on kids, or the scum who lets him continue victimizing kids until it is politically profitable to "out" him? (and yes, I mean those who waited to expose him, and those who didn't intend to ever expose him).

This is politics at it's lowest and no one on the hill can point a stinky finger this time.
on Oct 03, 2006
i'm curious,,,is there any evidence that ABC timed this? and hasn't ABC and Disney been a lil more "go GOP" lately? i guess i'm failing to see the "attack the messenger" theme being justified here.
on Oct 03, 2006
it is nice to find some common ground with ya'll tho,,,as unfortunate as the circumstance may be...
on Oct 03, 2006
If only Mary Jo Kopechne had lived in the Internet era, she might still be alive...
on Oct 03, 2006
If only Mary Jo Kopechne had lived in the Internet era, she might still be alive...

what does that have to do with anything here?
on Oct 03, 2006
It has to do with the fact that the Dems have people sitting in office right now that have done far worse, and this is just a way for people who live in glass houses to toss stones. Foley is defunct, resigned, gone, and probably due for the legal reaming of his life.

Do you think it will end now? Nope, this will be an excuse to associate as many people as possible with sexual predation as possible, regardless of whether or not they were involved. They created a whole mythology around Rove, with clandestine gay sex parties and child prostitution, and you can bet that will all reappear.

If you want to show concern, show it for the exploited. I write quite often about sexual predators and get very little response, but when it is a Republican the outrage hangs in the air. It makes me sick because it is just a bunch of corrupt politicians exploiting these people AGAIN, many of which are no doubt as low or lower than Foley.
on Oct 03, 2006
It has to do with the fact that the Dems have people sitting in office right now that have done far worse, and this is just a way for people who live in glass houses to toss stones. Foley is defunct, resigned, gone, and probably due for the legal reaming of his life.

a) like i said before, this isn't a partisan seem hell bent into turning it into one tho
i still fail to see what a 30 some year old case about a car goin off a bridge has to do with child molestation today

They created a whole mythology around Rove, with clandestine gay sex parties and child prostitution, and you can bet that will all reappear.

i wasn't at all familiar with that...i guess i'm not in the inner "they" circle.

If you want to show concern, show it for the exploited

in my article and in my replies to others, i have stated..."THE most important thing here is the protection of the pages"

but when it is a Republican the outrage hangs in the air. It makes me sick because it is just a bunch of corrupt politicians exploiting these people AGAIN, many of which are no doubt as low or lower than Foley.

you seem to be making this political more than anyone i have seen on here, sans a few wackos. a little defensive, are we?

i think i was quite clear that this wasn't a political thing to me. in my life, i have several occasions to interact with younger folk. usually musicians, and am extremely careful not to even give the wrong impressions and have spoken to others when i thought they were doing or saying things that weren't appropriate between an adult and a kid.

i can admire your writing and/or work in speaking out against predators, but coming in here and blasting off a load of partisan rhetoric when it was n't called for is a bit "agendized." i don't think we're far apart in our views baker, but the partisan bs is really clouding that.

on Oct 03, 2006
"a) like i said before, this isn't a partisan seem hell bent into turning it into one tho
i still fail to see what a 30 some year old case about a car goin off a bridge has to do with child molestation today"

Please explain to me how this isn't a partisan thing when you blog itself talks over and over about the GOP. You can but we can't?

As for Ted, it has to do with the fact that Dems are very selective in their outrage over the victimization of staff.

i wasn't at all familiar with that...i guess i'm not in the inner "they" circle. "

or you just choose not to remember it. It was posted here over and over byt the dabe set.

"you seem to be making this political more than anyone i have seen on here, sans a few wackos. a little defensive, are we?"

You are being patently dishonest. Have you seen a single news report on this today that didn't include the words "Republican leadership"? How can you sit up there at the top of the page and ponder political repurcussions and expect politics not to be mentioned down here?

There is no partisan BS here. The reason Foley isn't in jail is because the same oarty that is now in an uproar fought for lowering the age of consent to 16 in DC. Any attempt to make allowances for sodomy or same-sex predation were deemed discriminatory against gays.

So you believe that on the one hand they can call Foley a child molester, and on the other claim that a 16 year old can make an informed decision about sodomy in the same breath isn't political? Wake up. The only reason you KNOW about this is partisan politics.

If you are truly concerned with protecting the pages, perhaps you should address why Dems feel it is okay to pork 16 year olds...
on Oct 03, 2006
but no evidence supporting your claims,,,calling me a liar based on nothing...attack, attack, attack with all the hannity talking points.....geeez.
on Oct 04, 2006
No evidence for what? That Dems lowered the age of consent in DC to 16? Is DC a Republican stronghold? Feel free to explain how the people of DC can elect politicians who lower the age of consent to 16 and then claim sending dirty emails to a 16 year old is a political scandal?

To me, the scandal is blocking attempts to raise the age of consent. They seem aware that this is too young now... oh, because it isn't one of theirs. Anyway, I don't see how you can accuse me of making this a partisan issue when you yourself reflect on how this will effect the GOP.

My assertion is that this entire THING is about how it will effect the GOP. Interesting it came out when it did when ABC had the power to release it earlier, isn't it?
on Oct 04, 2006

Let's see, we have Barney Frank's roommate was running a male prostitution ring out of their place. Rep Frank fixed tickets for his roomies "customers" when they were cited for illegal parking while "visiting" his roommate.... he was exposed, and the House Democrats cheered him on...

Gerry Studds (D Mass) had sex with a 17 year old male page in 1973... not only was he not run out of the House, he was re elected until his retirement in 1997.

Yes, it's been awhile, but all was forgiven and he was accepted by the Dems until 9 years ago.

Prs. Bill Clinton pardoned Rep. Mel Reynolds after he was convicted of criminal sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography in a case stemming from a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old campaign worker.

Ok you tell me, when was the last time a sex scandal brought down a democrat... from where I sit, it is usually a career enhancer.

The democrats in the House don't care who is molesting kids, as long as it works in their favor.

and btw, ABC has been sitting on this information for a year. Do you hold them as responsible as you hold the Republican leadership?
on Oct 04, 2006
Prs. Bill Clinton pardoned Rep. Mel Reynolds after he was convicted of criminal sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography in a case stemming from a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old campaign worker."

There ya go. That, along with the age of consent in DC, is going to turn this right back onto the heads of the Dems. Foley is scum, and should be in jail, and the reason he isn't is because Dems have forged an environment there wherein such behavior is acceptable.

They are just playing this for fly-over America. How exactly can you separate partisan politics from that? When people try and raise the age of consent, or make exceptions for sodomy, etc., Dems call them naive, or call it discrimination against homosexuals. If you want to look for reasons Republican leadership were hesitant to drag this out there it is. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
on Oct 04, 2006
more bullshit...behind your smokescreen is still the point i made, in which you have failed to address.

this is not an attack by the democrats. this is a story about protecting our children. the fact is that mark foley is a pervert. blaming democrats for that is insane and stupid. the fact is that people from all political backrounds have spoken out about this. amongst others, tony blankley, the conservative wash. times writer called for hastert's resignation, john boehner punted the responsibility ball to hastert, distancing himself. reynolds surrounded himself with about 50 kids and toddlers in his mock news conference to avoid any real questions from reporters.

soliciting 16 year olds for sex by a 52 year old congressman is sick. and any goverment official who covered it up is a piece of shit in my opinion. as far as the democrats go, i could care less...i'll tell you for the 100th time...I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT. furthermore, anything the democrats may or may not have done in the past have nothing to do with upholding a principle. is it more important to play a partisan game like you are rather than protect children? put the pundrity aside.

all your bullshit and crap do nothing to protect our children and is just another attack scheme from a pundit.

stop blaming all of your prerceived political enemies. your paranoia is getting ridiculous.

but you are a facist, and that's not me sayin it, it's you...

I oppose it for different reasons. Sure, if I could snap my fingers and erase all the pee and poop porn on the Internet, I would. I think it is without any benefit to society, and frankly I am a fascist pig who doesn't care if it is fair or if anyone else likes it.

a facist who used to not play games with underage sex crimes...

We desperately need to get past this "Beavis and Butthead" mentality and punish these crimes in a more uniform manner, ,,,,. There are too many sick people walking around that can internally validate their own behavior, when we try our best to vilify it. Now, we opt to validate it ourselves with barely more than a symbolic punishment.

when matt drudge yesterday commented that the pages are seducing congressmen, i heard nothing from you on that...yet in 2005, you said this...

Let them know how crass and insensitive it is to blame the victim for the crime. Don't drift past their comments box if you take issue. If enough of us express ourselves, we might be able to bring this “She shouldn't have worn the dress” stuff to an end.

you are spending your time bashing me, as if i was a democrat (which i'm not) because i have fairly looked at the issue instead of joining your political hate machine.

all i have said is this, 1) foley is a sick bastard
2) an investigation will take place, to see if this was covered up, i will not pass judgement now, i hope the investigation will be fair and thorough.
3) i am concerned that the house leadership didn't take a " where there's smoke there is fire" approach here and referred the matter to an election committee vs. an ethics committee, but i have not passed any judgement. i have asked questions, but no judging.
4) i said this was a time for frepublicans to stand up and show their moral fiber, i believe it is not only the right thing to do, but it's good pre-election PR.

you responded by bashing me and trying to mislabel me as a democrat.

this is an issue i am very conservative on. and your responses have been downright offensive and have nothing to do with me or what i am talking about. feel free to bash democrats over in your article. my article isn't about that. my article is about the principles in play here.

on Oct 04, 2006
The problem is, it is conservative Republicans like Foley, who suggest they are the moral compass of the universe and then go ahead and do things that stink to high heaven hoping no one will pick up the scent from under their flags. Shame on them. And anyone, Democrat, as well, who does the same.
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