From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
Rush admits to lying to save powerhold for his buddies...
Published on November 9, 2006 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In The Media
A few weeks ago, the owner of this site, was in a debate over at "instapundit" with famous comedian Rush Limbaugh. At the time, Rush called JU owner, Brad Wardell an "amateur" for not using his real name. Brad quickly changed that, eliminating Rush's point. But more importantly, Rush accused Brad and other conservatives of disloyalty and worse to the GOP because he, like others, would not sacrifice their principles and root for a bunch of do-nothing frauds.

Brad and the others felt disgust with the crowd of "imposter" conservatives that were running for re-election and expected votes from the party faithful despite their actions or inactions. For that, Rush told them they were bad republicans and should be ashamed of their attitude. Yesterday, Rush "owned up" to knowing these guys were frauds and siad he felt liberated that he didn't have to carry the water for these guys anymore.

Huh? Isn't that what Brad and others contended before the election? In his self righteous declaration of liberation, Rush essentially admitted that Brad and the others who would not carry the water before the election were right all along. It proved Rush's attacks weren't just "correcting some amateur" or the like. It showed that Rush was scared of losing the majority so much that he would say anything and lie to hold onto power.

Furthermore, it showed just how much of a fraud Rush Limbaugh really is. Rush does not even believe what he says apparantly. But that won't stop him from working to preserve power for the masters he serves.

It also showed the power of independent blogging. It showed people do read this stuff, even if they don't comment or respond. Apparantly, enough people read it that Rush Limbaugh singled out an independent blogger to "make some example of." As it turns out, the blogger was right on the money and reflected the pulse of many conservatives who weren't gonna buy into Rush's lies this time.

If I were Brad, after hearing Rush's confessions, I would feel pretty good about myself. He probably has a "David slays Goliath" feeling since yesterday. And he should. I don't agree with Brad on some topics, but when someone stands up for their principles, no matter what those principles might be, I always admire that. Kudos Brad!

As for Rush, he has exposed himself as the tool of the GOP and neoconservatives that many have accused him of. Rush admitted to not really saying things that he believed, as he contended he did. Rush sold out any credibility he might of still had with anyone by proudly displaying the fact that he would repeat any lie he could jsut so his GOP buddies could retain their stranglehold on American politics. For shame Rush.

Of course, life will go on. Rush will continue to lie and people will continue to buy it. Brad will continue to run his little blog site and software company. And you and I will continue to do our thing. But hopefully the next time some pundit is willing to make up whatever he can to preserve a powerhold, we will think of Brad holding his ground with Rush, and follow that example.

on Nov 09, 2006

He did vindicate Brad, but he did not say he was lying (and indeed a difference of opinion can never be called lying).  What he did say was:

I feel liberated, and I'm going to tell you as plainly as I can why. I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried. Now, you might say, "Well, why have you been doing it?" Because the stakes are high. Even though the Republican Party let us down, to me they represent a far better future for my beliefs and therefore the country's than the Democrat Party and liberalism does.

on Nov 09, 2006
"Well, why have you been doing it?" Because the stakes are high

you might have interpreted it differently, but i took that as admitting to lying.
on Nov 09, 2006
Take it any way you wish. That's your privilege. When someone from the left does it, it's "nuanced" thinking or intelligent management of information "for the greater good." When the right does it, it's just lying.

Rush waded into something without adequate knowledge or preparation, to be sure, but that's the extent of it.
on Nov 09, 2006
thank you for your opinion daiwa:)
on Nov 09, 2006
All depends on what the meaning of "is" is, after all.   
on Nov 09, 2006
All depends on what the meaning of "is" is, after all.

on Nov 10, 2006
Furthermore, it showed just how much of a fraud Rush Limbaugh really is. Rush does not even believe what he says apparantly. But that won't stop him from working to preserve power for the masters he serves.

That's what I've been trying to tell these idiots that keep defending Limbaugh, but they obstinately refuse to get it. They've been sold a bill of goods and -- no matter what -- they can't admit to themselves or anyone else that they were taken. It reminds me of a certain emperor and a new suit.

Of course, I also tried to tell them the House was already lost and the only question was what would happen with the Senate. They didn't believe that either. They had a ton of "reasons" why I was wrong. They have yet to learn that reason does not trump reality.

And they won't believe the next thing I tell them. I wonder how they get the sand out of their ears? Or maybe they just leave it there permanently? Yeah, that's probably the problem.

All depends on what the meaning of "is" is, after all.

As much as certain quarters ream Clinton over that, the Bush camp practices it all the time. For instance, our esteemed president swearing during the '04 election that no warrantless wiretapping was going on. When it was revealed he was lying, he squirmed that he was talking very specifically about something else. It didn't apply to the actual wireless wiretapping. Uh-huh. All I could hear was nit-picking about the definition of "is."
on Nov 10, 2006
Gloat now while the gloating's good, Gene. Feels good but won't last, speaking from experience.
on Nov 10, 2006
I just read that Rep. Waxman has already started the probes into the Bush administration...

"I'm going to have an interesting time because the Government Reform Committee has jurisdiction over everything," Waxman said Friday, three days after his party's capture of Congress put him in line to chair the panel. "The most difficult thing will be to pick and choose."

Well, the Conservatives wanted to punish the Republicans... looks like Pelosi's lie will give you what you wanted...