From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
Published on November 7, 2006 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In Blogging
I see the genius is still melting away....

Now it's spelling errors. But he still hasn't corrected his "LYING" title.

and "strawman" and straw man (2 words) can be used interchangeably. i had no problem finding the definition using the 1 word spelling.

- In general, a strawman is an object, document, person, or argument that temporarily stands in for and is intended to be "knocked down" by something more substantial

go tell "Lil Abner" "lil" is not a word. it's an informal way to say "little" by definition

Abbreviation: lil
(informal) littleLink

so, you're argument stands on me missing an apostrophe. that's a grammatical error, not a spelling error. and a minor one at best. you spelled the main word in your TITLE wrong and are too stubborn to change it. BTW, there's probably errors here too, why don't ya point em out?

i have commented many times about my writing in here being casual and 1st draft. but i guess you weren't refferring to me when you said... I see the Liberal practice of pointing out spelling errors is still alive and well.

since i'm not a liberal, i guess this isn't pointed at me.

and i'd like to see where i've attacked people over spelling outside of having my fun with you moderateman.

keep's fun to watch. and by all means, DON'T change your title.

this could all go away if you would just admit that you were wrong when you feebly flipped out saying i insulted you when it is clear i was complimenting you.
And thank you soooo much for giving my article airtime on your blog and showing the only thing you could point out that was wrong was a minor grammatical error and your lack of knowledge about the english language. as far as the content went, you had nothing to say, cause it's all true!

on Nov 07, 2006
this is good. a bitter old man so full of hate he is falling al over himself to desperately try to find something to "get me " on...LMFAO ROFL!!!!

Reply #57bwahahahahahahah'STRAWMAN... what a moron, everyone from the first grade knows it's straw man.. hahahhahhhhahhaha

again, finding a definition of a one word spelling of strawman was no problem.

you are just bitter, full of hate and grasping at straws, literally, to try to "get me" at anything your lil mind can come up with.

keep melting,,,,
on Nov 07, 2006
Sean MM has put that article up with good reason, I do not believe it is aimed specifically at you or anyone in particular.

Some JU users have an awful habit of pointing put spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes that a person makes on the articles they post, believing they are doing it for the good of the person they are mentioning it to.

Just the other day I pointed out to two user who have criticised the spelling and grammar someone else made - the errors in their own artciles and replies they have made and it did not go down well. I could in turn accuse MM of digging at me - I do not because I know it is not aimed at me specifically. Nor is it I believe aimed at you specifically.

He is talking to all of JU generally. There have I believe been articles on this same subject before?

It is also my argument that not everyone on JU is as educated as some expect everyone else to be. Those who are not "educated" (I am one of them) should not be criticised about their language skills and nor should those that are educated.

Criticising ones writing, language, spelling, grammar skill even typing skills is unwarranted and is wrong even if it is meant with good intention. If the intention is good send them an email where they can read your advice in private and fix the error without humiliation. Too many are fond of pointing out others faults to make themselves look good, feel good, do a good deed - whatever their reason maybe.

Stop taking it personally as I do not think it is personal - it is general.

on Nov 07, 2006
[/B] article up with good reason, I do not believe it is aimed specifically at you or anyone in particular[/B]

jennifer,,,it was put up with me in mind specifically. this is his meltdown because he can't correct the mistake of spelling "lying" like this..."lieing" in one of his many feeble posts designed to "get me" at something. he has been grasping at straws since his hate towards me blinded him from realizing when i was giving him a sincere compliment.

[/B]Some JU users have an awful habit of pointing put spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes that a person makes on the articles they post, believing they are doing it for the good of the person they are mentioning it to.[/B]

yes they do, but i am not one of them. the only other times i point out spelling mistakes is when it is a key to the article. like in the title. and usually, i don't insult them, i point it out as a matter of helping them clarify something and prevent others from just attaking the spelling. i do this for people i disagree with at least as often as those i agree with.

his thing here is not about that, it is about hate. he calls the correcting of spelling "a liberal practice" because he hates anyone who he sees as having a different thought process than him. he is a bitter old man who projects his hate on people like me that don't put up with his bullying and tactcs of intimidation.

you can see this in the repeated phrases that he spews becasue in his mind, he thinks that he is being effective. at this point, if you read his articles about me, they are not about any facts. they are solely about trying to play "gotcha" games on things that are so far off the point, they'd need to catch a train to get back to the point.

here is his latest tirade of hate...

(one reply to himself)(Citizen)ModeratemanNovember 7, 2006 12:51:53Reply #51
This is an article of shitcons1 where he enjoys making fun of a misspelled word. see my comments after this. I copied and pasted it so he could not change it, because we ALL KNOW SHITCON1 NEVER EVER MAKES MISTAKES. OOPS YES HE DOES. MUCH TO MY GLEE AND JOY. For sometime now. Most of us have watched the administration selectively misquote and misrepresent people and things. They use what they think are clever lil "legalisms an carefully worded denials" meanwhile using their sheeps clothing to carry out the wolf's agenda.

When people call them on the lies and disprove their premises, they jump ship and begin parroting elsewhere to a more gullible audience. When all gullible audiences have been used up, they change the subject.

Then, some time down the road, they bring up the lies again. They make all their detractors start over and reprove how they are wrong. they throw up more red herrings, strawmen and plain old b.s.

The one thing they do is can't admit their wrong doing and admit their slanderous, unfounded accusations were wrong. They just constantly seek a new, gullible audience. When those exhaust themselves again. They preach to the choir. When the choir questions it. They again change the subject.

Down the road, they parrot the lies again, and again. Dodging facts like Dick Cheney's friends dodge his birdshot. But like Dick Cheney's friends, the facts, sooner or later, hit them square in the face.

Admit it then? Hell no, repeat and lie some more. Lie until something sticks. Play "gotcha" until someone actually thinks we got them. Even tho we haven't done anything.

The American people are sick of it, and next Tuesday, hopefully will show just how much the power brokers of the hi-jacked GOP, the neoconservatives are isolated and wrong.

The other side, while sometimes fighting fiercely as well, occasionally tries to mend the fences and bring us back together to find common ground on which to build.

The neoconservatives will have none of that. It is "my way or the highway" to them. Trash and slander all who disagree is their mantra.

That misleading and deceitful practice might serve in the short term to hold power, but eventually, lies are exposed and facts come out.

they want you to think that only the "liberal democrats" are the only "looneys" that even dare question their tried and true methods. But in reality, over time, they manage to insult everyone outside their circle. Everyone but them is somehow wrong and painted as a "bad person."

The same happens here at Joe User. Just ask Moderateman, Bakerstreet and their ilk. They lie and distort and trash others. They insult and run away when their alleged "facts" are exposed as misleading or blatantly false.

But eventually, like in life, the truth comes out. Their lies are exposed. And in a lastdesperate attempt to make me look bad, they take a compliment and try to spin it into an insult. Sound familiar? But unlike John Kerry, they not only misrepresent what i said and it's intent, in my case, i was sincerely complimenting the old man for his service to our nation.

But noooooooooooooo. He can't have that.

don't worry Moderateman, Next week at this time all this will be over. I don't know who will control what in Congress when the smoke clears, but I can guarantee you that the American people will be one step closer to exposing the misleading of this nation by this President and his cronies.

As for you, the evidence is clear. You are lying. And now, everyone knows it.

notice he can't argue with any of the truths in the article. and he can only attempt to point out grammatical mistakes.

(another self-reply)ModeratemanView Moderateman's ProfileEmail ModeratemanFind Posts By Moderateman

Reply • Quote (Citizen)ModeratemanNovember 7, 2006 12:57:12Reply #52
since you are still having fun with my mistake lieing instead of lying, I figured "let us see if shitcon1 made the classic mistake, misspelled something in their post. Guess what I found IDIOT CHILD,

LIL is not a word

it's sheep's not sheeps

it's straw man not strawman.

so many mistakes so much fun to laugh at... you truly are pathetic, and if you want to continue this I am more than happy to keep trashing you over and over,

(another self reply)ModeratemanView Moderateman's ProfileEmail ModeratemanFind Posts By Moderateman

Reply • Quote (Citizen)ModeratemanNovember 7, 2006 12:58:48Reply #53
hahahahahahahahaha sheeps, what a idiot, to poke fun and then make the same kind of mistakes themselves. hahahhahahhahahahahaha

(another self reply)ModeratemanView Moderateman's ProfileEmail ModeratemanFind Posts By Moderateman

Reply • Quote (Citizen)ModeratemanNovember 7, 2006 13:05:26Reply #54
still laughing hahahhhhhh what a moron, he misspelled sheep's hahahahahahahahahahahah
ModeratemanView Moderateman's ProfileEmail ModeratemanFind Posts By Moderateman

Reply • Quote (Citizen)ModeratemanNovember 7, 2006 13:32:02Reply #56
BakerStreetNovember 7, 2006 13:26:13

Don't underestimate the importance of regularly taking your meds MM.

damn it I knew I been forgetting something.
ModeratemanView Moderateman's ProfileEmail ModeratemanFind Posts By Moderateman

(another reply to himself)Reply • Quote (Citizen)ModeratemanNovember 7, 2006 13:37:02Reply #57
bwahahahahahahah'STRAWMAN... what a moron, everyone from the first grade knows it's straw man.. hahahhahhhhahhaha (a reply to himself)
ModeratemanView Moderateman's ProfileEmail ModeratemanFind Posts By Moderateman

Reply • Quote (Citizen)ModeratemanNovember 7, 2006 14:40:10Reply #58
oh what fun, now the little loser is responding to himself. (ummm,,,you just did that over and over mm, and are doing it here again) (he is responding to himself and criticizing me for allegedly doing that,,,that's funny!) give it up bitch you know you have rented me space in your feeble tiny little hypocrital mind, mr call me a libertarian that is really a liberal but cannot stand the heat so he lies about who he is!!

and there he goes back into spewing hate, name calling, personal insults and insisting i am a liberal, even tho i'm not, which gives him the right to hate me and justifies all of his nonsense.

i can appreciate your efforts to be diplomatic here jennifer, but the fact is that he is just melting, the wheels are comin off the bus or any other cliche ya wanna attach. it is personal with him as he believes if he can somehow expose me on something,,,anything, that he can somehow "prove" he was right about everything. i'm just avoiding boredom by toying with him.

his alternative is to admit that i was indeed complimenting him when his hate blinded him. plus admitting he purposefully likes to make up absolute lies about me when he knows the truth. but he is incapable of doing it. hell, he's incapable of correcting an obvious mistake just because i am the one who suggested it.

so i just have fun with it when there is nothin better to do...he's just a bitter coward who doesn't know when he's been whooped.
on Nov 07, 2006
Umm, hello?

It's the fucking internet!

Who gives a shit?

Sorry for swearing but come on now, the internet is NOT serious business, it's the internet. You probably will never meet anyone here, you will like some and hate others. Just let it go.

I didn't read MMs blog and do not plan to now, but just the fact that it got you THIS wound up is a general turn off to reading your blogs.

Bash me, flame me, write blogs about me insulting me. At the end of the day I am still going home to a happy house and certainly not thinking of what anyone here thinks of me. I suggest you do it as well. You may like it.
on Nov 07, 2006
Umm, hello?

It's the fucking internet!

Who gives a shit?

this is what i said about that...
so i just have fun with it when there is nothin better to do

Sorry for swearing

not a problem, i don't usually nitpick those things unless i am being insulted.

I didn't read MMs blog and do not plan to now, but just the fact that it got you THIS wound up is a general turn off to reading your blogs.

well, people can read whatever they want. but my stuff gets read, and i already know that. curently, one of my articles about technology and democracy is in the top 5 daily articles and is in the top slot on the homepage. most of my articles get loads of points and i tend to get more responses per article than most others out there. but if that went away, i could deal with it fine, as many of the articles i write are for me mostly. so, like you, at the end of the day, i really don't care who likes me and who dislikes me here.

but if he wants to make a major deal out of something he totally misinterpreted directly because of his hate towards me, i have enough free time to have fun with it and make sure he knows that there is not a force in this world that can silence me. especially when it was all caused by his hate and misinterpretations.

have a great day:)

on Nov 07, 2006
You too Sean
on Nov 08, 2006
his latest move is to "declare victory" (over what, i have no idea) and run away...."mission accomplished", eh? lmfao