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then why did we invade Iraq?
Published on March 21, 2006 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In Politics
A few weeks ago, the nation was debating whether or not the USA should allow the sale of terminals in 6 major US ports to the goverment of the United Arab Emerates. The backlash of this "under the table" deal (the pres. was unaware of it until just before defending it to the press) was swift and severe. The issue found common ground between those on the left and those on the right. Everyone except those who blindly follow the administration despite anything.

Eventually, the deal was killed, much to the dismay of the administration and it's supporters. They contended that the Dubai goverment was a great friend who could be trusted. This despite 5 years of anti arab rhetoric, thinly guised as patriotism.

We were told that the UAE was all about the west, and emulating our capatalist structure. Security was not an issue with them.

Well, if that is the case, why invade Iraq? Wouldn't a better strategy to have been to support this great friend. After all, the alleged purpose in Iraq is to create a beacon in the middle east that would cause other Arab goverments and societies to adapt and modernize with the rest of the world.

But we never heard word 1 about the UAE before Febuary of 2006. In their Iraq rhetoric, the administration contended that Iraq needed to be liberated so the rest of the Arab world could be shown the way. Wasn't the UAE on their way?

I am curious to as why in Bush's speeches, a line like "When Iraq is liberated, they will be more like the UAE, who is moving in a positive direction driven my a market driven , capatalistic economy. " No, we were told they would be the 1st.

Dubai, it's commerce with the west, or anything was never mentioned as we were given the "arabs and muslims are our enemy" rhetoric. Now, when it serves their friends purposes, the UAE is exactly the kind of country we are trying to create in Iraq.

It would be funny if thousands hadn't died over this convenient rhetoric.

But what about "democracy?" Are they a democratic form of government? One look on a UAE website answers that question, well sort of,,,yes and no.

They are not a democracy like us. But, on the other hand, they do enjoy their own kinds of "direct democracy" as they put it. The seeds are there, and have been fed by the economic growth any new country needs to be successful.

Their constitution (ratified in 1971) states this...

The United Arab Emirates has been established as an independent state, possessing sovereignty. It is part of the greater Arab nation. Its aim is to maintain its independence, its sovereignty, its security and its stability, in defence against any attack on its entity or on the entity of any of its member Emirates. It also seeks to protect the freedoms and rights of its people and to achieve trustworthy co-operation between the Emirates for the common good. Among its aims, in addition to the purposes above described, is to work for the sake of the progress of the country in all fields, for the sake of providing a better life for its citizens, to give assistance and support to Arab causes and interests, and to support the charter of the United Nations and international morals.

Wow, sounds kinda like what we want in Iraq, doesn't it? The page also goes onto state...

Traditionally, the ruler of an emirate, the sheikh, was the leader of the most powerful, though not necessarily the most populous, tribe, while each individual tribe, and often its various sub-sections, also generally had a chief or sheikh. Such rulers and chiefs maintained their authority only insofar as they were able to retain the loyalty and support of their people, in essence a form of direct democracy, though without the paraphernalia of western forms of suffrage. Part of that democracy was the unwritten but strong principle that the people should have free access to their sheikh, and that he should hold a frequent and open majlis, or council, in which his fellow tribesmen could voice their opinions.

Again, wow...not like us, but it does seem that all Arabs aren't living under tyrants who are plotting our destruction supposedly.

They go on to say...

In the majlises, for example, it is possible to hear detailed, and often heated, discussions between sheikhs and other citizens on questions such as the policy that should be adopted towards the evolution of the machinery of government, or the nature of relations with neighbouring countries. On matters more directly affecting the individual, such as the highly relevant topic of unemployment among young UAE graduates, debates often tend to begin in the majlises, where discussion can be fast and furious, before a consensus approach evolves that is subsequently reflected in changes in government policy.

Sounds like something other than a tyranical dictatorship to me. But weren't we told that these countries didn't exist, therefore, we needed to cause "regime change" to show the Arab world how a proper goverment is run. Why didn't we just spread the word about these fine folk? Wouldn't that be a seed that would flourish and spread throughout the arabic world?

Maybe our invasion of Iraq spurred this move towards democracy, freedom and a market driven economy? Oh yeah, they wrote their constitution which has been the basis for their successes in 1971.

Why did we invade Iraq again?

on Mar 21, 2006
Of course! We already have one friendly, non-crazy, non-oppressive regime in the region! Why bother trying to get more?

And we should especially not bother trying to bring regime change, stability, and liberal democracy to any of the worst nations in the region!
on Mar 21, 2006
I think it's a very odd basis for your argument. Perhaps outlining more directly how you jump from "UAE is our friend" to "We shouldn't've invaded Iraq."

I agree that the port deal should've been out in the open. Even if they are our best friend ever, it's no reason to keep this hidden. In fact, keeping this sort of thing quiet because they're such a good "friend" only encourages the perception that there's something wrong (favoritism, whatever).

Obviously, no one's going to bring up the UAE when detailing reasons to go into Iraq; it has nothing to do with it. If "the UAE is a great friend" is a counter-argument to "Iraq will be our first friend" (which you argue was the arguement of "the administration"), then you're really complaining that people who were against the war didn't bring it up. You can't pin that on those who were trying to give justification for the invasion.

One last note: can you back up "arabs and muslims are our enemy"? Was that quoted from anywhere in particular?

I was well aware of our relationship with the UAE. I was never told that all arabs and muslims are/were our enemy. I never received that impression, either.
on Mar 21, 2006
about "arabs/muslims,,our enemy"...i was paraphrasing rhetoric,,,didn't mean to infer a quote,,,my bad.
on Mar 21, 2006
i was paraphrasing rhetoric

Fair enough. Can you link to some of the "rhetoric" that you feel left this impression on you?

I realize this is a bit off topic, but it's a pet peeve of mine. If the Arabs and Muslims were such enemies of ours in the war on terror, how would someone explain some of my co-workers?
on Mar 21, 2006
and to be clear,,,i am asking questions for the most part here,,,not drawing conclusions necessarily.
on Mar 21, 2006
it's not me that believes islam and arabs are the enemy,,,it's what i hear from many americans every day of the week.
on Mar 21, 2006
SConn1, since you obviously are not aware, let me help ya. Because....Iraq is NOT a member of the UAE! Link
on Mar 21, 2006
ummmm dr is it? i never said they were.
on Mar 21, 2006
Under the table? Hidden?

Are you kidding me?

The sale of P&O's contracts/interests has been a public matter from day one. It really irritates me that people characterize something as something it is not while pretending neutrality.

Facts, logic & strategic self-interest lost out to fevered demagoguery, simple as that. Not the first time that has happened, won't be the last.
on Mar 21, 2006
First, NO ONE WAS BUYING PORTS. Period. Not even the right to manage them. Strike one.

Second, they were merely buying the management of 8 terminals in 6 ports. And were already managing 2 terminals in Miami! Strike 2.

Third, China has been managing 2 terminals in Long beach for the last 5 years, and they are a much bigger threat (and their communist manifesto clearly states they intend to defeat us) than UAE. Strike 3.

How old are you? Are you the pap that our colleges are turning out? As PS said, you arguments are not only non-sequitar, but not logical either.
on Mar 21, 2006
whatever guy,,,you obviously have no idea who i am....and i got my degrees (notice the plural) almost 2 decades ago

just keep personally insulting me...shows your true ilk..if you want to argue about the ports deal and the logistics of it,,,see the article i wrote about that...and in the discussion of that, notice we got past the lil terminology "gotcha" games you are playin...on your way, notice that i write both pro and con about the left and right (and middle for that matter) and my perspective isn't one of punditry and defending people uberalles....i think you think you are attacking some neo hippie left wing democrat kid,,,and the fact is, i am not any of those things...and it's been quite funny watching you (but it is time i let ya in on the joke,,,no reason to be cruel here),,,i've held (elected) office as a republican, and am currently not either.

and PS,,,where the ports deal was "public" as opposed to "classified" the President himself didn't know of it until after the fact.

are we done here?,,,cause ya know no one else is reading this crap way down the page....or do ya'll just wanna pointlessly try to "get me." or something? cause i'm really gettin bored here...
on Mar 21, 2006

whatever guy,,,you obviously have no idea who i am....and i got my degrees (notice the plural) almost 2 decades ago

What a waste of degrees. Given your writing none of them are in Grammar, Composition, or Logic.

And actually the only thing I take you for is a kool aid drinker that has yet to provide a good straw horse or argument. And a lazy one who does not read much, but will post links from your handlers site. Whatever you call yourself, you are simply a puppet, easily debunked due to the fact someone else is feeding you your lines. If you take that as an insult, as you seem to take every challenge to your omniscience statements, then yes it is.

on Mar 21, 2006
cause ya know no one else is reading this crap way down the page

Hey I read this crap!


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