From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
a response to a reply of another post that i didn't want buried...
Published on March 19, 2004 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In Politics
the following was a response to a poster (annon) who was parroting the Bush claims about Kerry's plan...

The "small business thing" is a good spin...guys who like own 15 car dealerships are considerd small business owners...the plan calls for a repeal of cuts for the richest 1 or 2 % amongst us to pay for some things that millions more some basic health care coverage like every other civillized country in the world has.

and the whole idea that there was some "cash flow shortage" in the investor class, those 1-2% ers is a lie. Fact is that there was never any shortfall of cash in the investor class. all these tax cuts do is give them more to squirrel away or put into stocks and real estate.

Tax cuts to the middle class, however, do spur on real economic and job growth. That is what Kerry has proposed. Real relief for all Americans instead of the rich getting richer and the poor once again "getting the picture."

And productivity gains without job growth for over 3 solid years is just the working man doing more work for less pay and benefits. Again, the owners and the wealthy are the only real beneficiaries.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 21, 2004
wah,,,thank you for your like to think of others as "fools" expression comes to mind..."a fool thinks he knows everything, a wise man realizes he has a lot to learn."

think about it.
on Mar 21, 2004
thanks for the back up psych:) sved me some effort, lol
on Mar 21, 2004
deep,,,your lies are falling on deaf ears,,,but i will be more than happy to increase my own points by replying to you, lol...why don't you show your face instead of being annonymous?

annonymous users hold as much weight with me as annonymous sources do.
on Mar 21, 2004
No problem SConn, deep hasn't really elaborated much on what he has said.

I can show data that shows over 2.4 million job created

Really? I would like to see that data. All I have seen is the fact the White House promised 2.6 million jobs and them later sidestepping these remarks. Big businesses have reported great highs, businesses like Walmart and G.M., but what about the average worker who is currently unemployed through no fault of their own? I just hope it improves. I can't vouch for the severity that wahkonta has forecasted, but I will not dismiss facts.
on Mar 21, 2004
no he hasn't psychx,,,and those statistics he threw out there are about as valid as bigfoot....

the worst part about the bad job numbers is that they don't accurately reflcet the whole picture. aside from the ones the goverment counts as unemployed,,,they also throw out the stat of "people who have stopped looking" which is very misleading to me. those are the people who have run out of unemployment insurance. those folks are probably trying harder to gain employment than those still on the dole...

i must admit, even with some study in the fields related, the way the jobless numbers are put together these days confuses me,,,it is hard to get a real grip on how bad it is...but when i go out and talk with people, unless they are making a quarter million a year, or hope to after they vote republican, it is obvious that things are worse than even the dismal numbers from the goverment would suggest.

one thing is clear,,,the attempt by the administration to reclassify fast food and kitchen jobs as "manufacturing " jobs shows that things are so bad that they need to maniulate the facts once again to show the picture they want.
on Mar 21, 2004
Big businesses have reported great highs, businesses like Walmart and G.M., but what about the average worker who is currently unemployed through no fault of their own? I just hope it improves. I can't vouch for the severity that wahkonta has forecasted, but I will not dismiss facts.

The facts show that the job market is increasing. Jobs are the last part of an economic recovery. LIke I said, unemployment is low, there are over 138 million people employed in this country, so pushing this single issue is not going to win the White House.

,it is hard to get a real grip on how bad it is...but when i go out and talk with people, unless they are making a quarter million a year, or hope to after they vote republican, it is obvious that things are worse than even the dismal numbers from the goverment would suggest.

It's so funny how you assume every Republican is rich or wants to be. I went to the rally in Orlando yesterday and let me tell you, there were very few "evil rich" there. I talk to people everyday. Every person I talk to and meet are employed and most wil tell you they are better of now than ever. The economy is growing at records paces, but democrats seems to ignore that. You democrats paint the worst picture and that is the real lie that goes on. It's the persons responsibility to go out and find a job for themselves, not rely on John Kerry to do it for them.

You can keep whining about the tax cuts, but Kerry still can't explain how raising taxes will create jobs. He hasn't even proposed how he will "create" jobs. Maybe if they move some of those heinz factories back to America he can get a few there.

Kerry's repealing of the taxes for the richest 2% of us is a far cry from punishing "mom and pop" making 30 grand a year in their country store. this repeal is about income level, not job descriptions.

It's about income level? Actually it's class warfare, thats the real name for it. But that is the democratic way. Raise taxes and claim it will help the "little people".

on Mar 21, 2004

If Kerry wins, expect to have to charge money for some of the more basic features.  I'm not sure how you guys think the economy works, but I can tell you how it works here -- the tax cuts provided enough capital to hire additional people at Stardock. Taking that tax cut away would effectively require us to find around $40k more in revenue to make up the short-fall.

Some of you really need to learn about the tax system before making such...well illinformed comments. Most companies in the United States today are set up as LLCs or S-corporations. Whch means their revenue shows up as income for the princple owner. Most businesses do make more than $200,000 per year.  In fact, most of the people who woud be harmed by Kerry's proposed tax increase are small business owners. So they will either have to lay people off or find a way to make up the money they're going to lose in taxes.

on Mar 21, 2004
Good point brad. So would it be true that if you could not find the 40k in revenue, you might have to lay people off?

on Mar 21, 2004
Vote for Bush or i'll charge money for this site? Cmon! i know this site is right leaning but that is really cheap...oops,,,i'm sorry,,,i don't want to insult Brad and have him pull more "god mode" RPG tactics on me when he is responding to my posts.
on Mar 21, 2004
on Mar 21, 2004
Sconn1 I don't understand why you responds to your own posts. Anyway.

Brad, I don't quite understand your post, can you make a blog to explain that more?
on Mar 21, 2004
XX: Sure.  Will make a blog explaining it.
on Mar 21, 2004
BTW, one thing I've noticed on this site, and elsewhere, is the rudest people  tend to be from the left. I mean, abusively rude. Whether that be E. Macy, or "Randy Spire", and now SConn. They seem incredibly intolerant of dissent.  Imagine how Sherye or Wisefawn would have reacted if their responses were met with outright abuse rather than simple disagreement.
on Mar 21, 2004
Now now Brad, you should read some of the blogs from the conservative christian crowds. They're definitely not polite, at least as often as the lefties are rude. The problem I think Brad is that the Righties tend not to be rude towards you since you're of the like mind.

Of course there are those of us on both sides who dislike rudeness, so, don't paint us all with the broad brush.

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