From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
My "Traditional Progressive" Party
Published on September 25, 2006 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In US Domestic
This morning, I was thinking "what platform planks would MY political party have?"

This is what I came up with in my head this morning. Keep in mind, these are platform planks, not policies or plans. they are not minutely detailed or specific.

Tax Policy....taxes should be minimalized and simplified. Not endorsing a totally "flat tax" but the tax code should be simple and universal. The poor do not pay taxes, except "use taxes" such as sales tax. Fairness is key.

Foreign Policy...America First. But we are also not here to make enemies. Allies are important, and in some cases, vital. But it is America's self interest that shall prevail when push comes to shove. Let other countries handle their own affairs. Only involve America when requested or when it directly involves America's self interest. Always help when we can. Reach out to other nations where opportunities exist.

Health Care...All American children are inherently covered by their citizenship. Universal coverage is the ultimate goal, but the needs of children, followed by seniors, comes 1st and foremost. Health care cannot be denied to any child by anyone licensed to practice in the US.

Abortion Rights....Roe v Wade is established law. Americans recognize the right of a woman to make her own health care decisions to a point. Americans also realize that at some point the rights of a developing child in the womb must be recognized. After a scienifically agreed to "point" in which the fetus is considered a viable human being, the woman who chooses to terminate the pregnancy must agree to sterilization or a suitable way to ensure society won't be burdened with irresponsible behavior infringing on others rights over and over. Things happen beyond our control in life and bad judgement happens. repeated abortions go beyond the realm of "a mistake" and into the realm of irresposible behavior. women are not criminals for making this choice, but the choice cannot be made without consequence.

Euthanasia...If a person is deemed viably "sane" by an independent body, a person does have the right to terminate their own life and may be assisted if necessary.

Drug Laws....Marijuana should be legalized, regulated and taxed. More emphisis should be put into more effective means of education and rehabilitation rather than law enforcement. Law enforcement should be emphasized in connection with large scale (kingpin) dealers and cartels of hard narcotics and meth amphetamine. More research should be spent in the areas of alternative fuels, materials, nutrition and pharmecutical values of marijuana and hemp.

Immigration....Amnesty is not acceptable, but neither is impossible systems of deportation and fencing. Businesses that employ illegal aliens must be cracked down on and penalized. this will create much less incentive for people to cross as they do now. Border patrol must be increased and modernized. Mexico must put more effort into improving domestic economic conditions and helping with border security in a tangible way. Paths to citizenship must be rigorous and fair. An emphisis on families will be important to smoothly integrate the millions of people living illegally in this nation.

Gay Marriage...Not for the idntical title as it only invokes emotions, but for the evening of rights and recognition by the state as a domestic partnership with the same rights and responsibilities as a traditional marriage.

Church & State...No official religion. Religious holidays, cerimonies and traditions which are not overtly offensive to others and promote harmony throughout all peoples can be acknowledged by the state. the state must give equal time / space to any legitimate group within a juristiction if requested and the above conditions are met. all religions may be practiced in america outside of goverment owned property.

Social Security....Social Security has worked and is the most successful public system ever created. Social Security will not be privatized and must be kept out of "for profit" interests. It is a public trust which must be upheld. Suggestions for improvement must have the forementioned requirements.

Electoral obsolete. 1 person, 1 vote.

Environment /Global Warming...Is real and must be invested in to ensure our children's futures. Envormental concerns are to be considered at all times and given proper weight against other factors.

Freedom of Press...Must be restored to where journalists do not feel threatened by the goverment as it has in the recent past.

Iraq....There is no military solution there. Iraq must stand up on it's own. We can assist if requested, and vital. But for now, plans should be directed towards redeployment in the region to better serve America's overall interests in the War on terror. Humanitarian, diplomatic and consulting services should continue as needed and can be afforded.

Campaign Financing....No official position as of yet. still hearing debate. same for other voter issues such as electronic voting and fraud. all must be dealt with but still debating which way to go.

Stem Cell Research...Sides with science and will take science's reccomendations on progress in this area.

Maybe i'll add or change this up a bit after some further thought.

Wanna join the party?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 25, 2006
Not going to join your party, but I like half your positions.
on Sep 25, 2006
i'm curious to which half we find some common ground on guy

take care,

on Sep 25, 2006
Tax, Foreign, Euthanasia, drug (not keen on the tax part, but if you have to have a tax on anything, might as well be that as well), Immigration, Gay Unions (1/2 - get government out of marriage - that is religious and they have no business in it - let them have Civil unions for tax, health and estate purposes), and Church and State.
on Sep 25, 2006
dream dream dream dreaaaam hehehe    

keep working on it scoffy!   
on Sep 25, 2006
thanks,,,see i'm not the "leftie wacko" i get painted as, am i?

as far as taxing marijuana sales, i would like to see it done on a state level and perhaps fund education (like a state scholarship fund that all graduating residents could get a piece of) or go towards a fund for health care of all children and/or seniors.

i'm not big on taxes either (who is?) but i like to see them as localized as possible and go to a direct cause as much as possible. it seems the more genericized our tax dollars get, the more waste happens.
on Sep 25, 2006
If I was in government in the UK I would hand the lottery to the National Health Service to run for 3 years so that they can fund new hospitals, clinics, equipment whatever they need, when they are done with it I would pass it on to Social services to build old age homes and clinics, then kids homes etc.

The funds from the lottery would be better used that way than some of the really stupid things they currently fund.

But what do we silly little buggers in the street know hey?   
on Sep 25, 2006
the lotteries in american states usually do go to a fund such as helping the elderly. i know the pennsylvania lottery and delaware lotteries earn money for those causes.
on Sep 30, 2006
"Marijuana should be legalized"

Seems pretty obvious what kind of party you wana have!
on Oct 02, 2006 bout them bears tho?
on Oct 02, 2006
the lotteries in american states usually do go to a fund such as helping the elderly. i know the pennsylvania lottery and delaware lotteries earn money for those causes.

It's a shell game though. Here in the Old Dominion, the lottery money goes to schools, but then the politicians cut what goes to the schools from the General Fund. So in essence, the schools really are not getting any more money, just from a different source.
on Oct 02, 2006
Tax Policy

I don't know, I still think that for this nation to be what it's suppose to be, everyone should pay taxes, reguardless of income. The point is for everyone to have, at least, some responsability for what happens to this nation with that money. It's sad though when we see our money sqandered(spell?) away into politicians pockets.

Foreign Policy

Agreed, we should have our allies, but not necessarily take their problems and make it our business to fix them, unless it affects our interest.

I agree with every child should automatically have Health Care, unless a parent really can afford it, like rich people. Of course a specific income level should be created to say who get's it and who doesn't. But that will be debatable, for ever. Elderly should also have Free Health Care.

Abortion Rights

I believe a woman should have the right to chose, I also believe that after a certain time, that choice should be revolked, to a certain extent such as danger to the mother-to-be. But if ignorance and/or irresponsible behavior continues after the first time, then penalties should exist. Though adults are considered to be able to chose on their own, sometimes they act like children and therefor should be treated as such by taking away some of their freedoms like children and teens under parents responsability.


If they crazy, how do you know it's what they really want? And how do we really know if they are crazy and it's not really a possible next evolution on humans? Just curious, I do watch a lot of SciFi, but they get this crap from somewhere.

Drug Laws

It only makes sense, humanity has proven that the more something is restricted, the more they want it. Of course, since marijuana has been proven not to be as bad as it was said to be, this is why I agree. But other drugs that are trully harmful should not be legalized reguardless how much they really want it.


Agreed. Something must be done.

Gay Marriage

I don't care for this issue. I could care less if gay people want to get married or not. Trying to talk sense into them is like trying to convince Col gene that he is not as smart as he thinks he is, pointless. It's a waste of time as far as I'm concerned, a waste of air time, a waste on online bandwith and a waste of taxes.

Church & State

Keep them apart, but not away. After all, most people are guided by their beliefs and that may not always be bad. I however think that religion should be a personal thing and should not intervean with other peoples lives and working hours.

Social Security

I'm honest when I say I know very little if nothing about Social Security and how it works. Just have not made it my business to know about it, so I will not say much except I want what I deserve just as much as those who are already getting it and I hope something is done soon. If Dems do get control f the House, and Senate and maybe the Presidency, I expect a solution ASAP. Otherwise I will always see them as con artist who fool the American people into thinking that the Reps could not fix it, therefor vote for us, when they themselves had no solution either.

Electoral College


Environment /Global Warming

The people should be educated in understand that they are mostly responsible for this problem. Because of their inability to seek alternative transportation such as Buses, carpooling and trains, they would rather drive alone wasting gas, creating more polution, simply because they don't either want to wait, have more space in the car, have complete control of their trip and are selfish. They should also consider the benefits of alternative fuel vehicles as oppose to just looking at the price tag, or they should at least make a big deal about the price of these vehicles to see if something can be done about it. Instead ignore it and just keep driving them SUVs and sports cars.

Freedom of Press

Fear or no fear, the Media will always have money, fame and "having it first" as their motivation to get a story and give it to use they way tehy think we would like to see it as oppose to what really happened. The fact that it's in the hands of people alone is enough to make me wonder if any of it is true or is it motivated by "I said it first", "I will make anker with this story" and/or " I'll be rich and famous". Freedom is a very strong word and who better to give it a new or different meaning at will than the Media.

It's not about the truth, it's about what sells.


Well I guess this one will have so many different points of view that if we made 1 party for each view, there would probably be an average of 2 or 3 votes for each party.

Campaign Financing

Again, ignorant to this so I will just leave it alone.

Stem Cell Research

If altenatives that do not require death are possible, then a little bit more work will not kill anyone. I don't see why one should be used because it "may" yield better results when one that is not really dangerous to anyone can still give good results. Better something than nothing. What if the death of could yield cures (just stick with me for a moment), but it had to be controlled in a lab. Would you allow it, to kill people for scientific purposes? I wouldn't. We will die sooner or later anyways. No need to kill one to save another.

Those are my thoughts. Not quite sure if I agreed with most of your ideas or not.
on Oct 02, 2006
dream dream dream dreaaaam hehehe

Isn't that what motivates many people to reach their goals? I think you shot him down a bit too fast there, if you don't mind me saying. Sure it all sounds like something out of a SciFi movie. But isn't this what we (not everyone of course) always complain we want but never get? Why dismiss it simply because it has not happened yet and life seems to make it look like it never will? I say if we want it bad enough we can get it, a better USA I mean.

the lotteries in american states usually do go to a fund such as helping the elderly. i know the pennsylvania lottery and delaware lotteries earn money for those causes.

The Florida Lotto claims too have put Billions into the Florida Education system. Gotta what what exactly they are doing with those billions when Florida is almost one of the worst states when it comes to education.
on Oct 02, 2006
It's a shell game though. Here in the Old Dominion, the lottery money goes to schools, but then the politicians cut what goes to the schools from the General Fund. So in essence, the schools really are not getting any more money, just from a different source.

Not here in PA. Just goes to show how messed up VA is.
on Oct 02, 2006

If they crazy, how do you know it's what they really want? And how do we really know if they are crazy and it's not really a possible next evolution on humans? Just curious, I do watch a lot of SciFi, but they get this crap from somewhere.

The states that currently allow this say that the person be "of sound mind". And crazy does not fit the bill.
on Nov 02, 2006

Gay Marriage...Not for the idntical title as it only invokes emotions, but for the evening of rights and recognition by the state as a domestic partnership with the same rights and responsibilities as a traditional marriage.

Why should marriage be the domain of government anyway? How about, get the government out of our bedrooms altogether?

Abortion Rights....Roe v Wade is established law.

Right to choose, fine. But NOT my responsibility to pay. If NARAL wants abortions to be totally subsidized, let 'em hold a bake sale and stop dipping into MY wallet to foot the bill.

Health Care...All American children are inherently covered by their citizenship. Universal coverage is the ultimate goal, but the needs of children, followed by seniors, comes 1st and foremost. Health care cannot be denied to any child by anyone licensed to practice in the US.

Not the domain of government, sorry.

Social Security....Social Security has worked and is the most successful public system ever created. Social Security will not be privatized and must be kept out of "for profit" interests. It is a public trust which must be upheld. Suggestions for improvement must have the forementioned requirements.

Social Security is a well run Ponzi scheme and the most regressive tax ever eliminated. My work product should not be relegated to some "public trust".

Stem Cell Research...Sides with science and will take science's reccomendations on progress in this area.

Do all the stem cell research you want. Do it with private funds, though. Again, keep your hands out of my wallet.


This is good food for thought, Sean, but I find it unusual that you are a self described Libertarian when so many of your platform positions directly oppose LP platform positions.

Do I want to join? Nope, I'll keep my Lp membership, thank you very much

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