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look for "1st lady Guiliani" to be Rudy's "Karl Rove"
Published on April 2, 2007 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In US Domestic
One of the big "problems" the right has with Hillary Clinton is her conduct in the White House during Bill's tenure as Commander in Chief. Every 1st lady has had their "pet projects" while their husband boldy lead the free world, but all of the previous 1st lady projects have been the type a local community or church would via a "Women's Guild" or the "Ladies Auxiluary" or equally inane organization. The 1st lady is usually expected to read to school children, make people "aware" of illiteracy or do something for the elderly.

But when the Clinton's came to town in January of 1993, Hillary had some differnt goals that didn't include a "fun run" or "bake sale" to reach. Hillary was all about making sure every citizen of our great nation was covered by at least some basic health care. This infuriated some, who weren't going to be told what to do by some feminist b*tch just cause she's the President's (whom they didn't like anyway) wife. Let alone any details of the legislation she or others opposed once she began her crusade, there was no way that some were going to allow her plans to ever become law.

Of course, Hillary never saw her dream become reality. In 1994, the GOP enjoyed a majority in the Congress, blocking any hope of that ever seeing the light of day.

Of course, Hillary is now the most talked about candidate for President in her own right. And of course, there has been discussion on her health care plan, which has yet to be unveiled. Yet is still getting criticized, despite it's non-existence. And there is talk of what roles the former President might play as "1st gentleman" should Hillary get elected.

But last week, Rudy Guiliani made a statement that took many back to January of 1993. A day that shall live in infamy for them. Rudy boldly and spontaneously told the press that his wife is his #1 advisor. He also told the press that he will have her "sitting in" on cabinet meetings and the like. the role he described sounded very much like, if not more "hands on" than Hillary's role in the Clinton White House. Rudy basically declared his 3rd wife Judith to be his "Karl Rove," President Bush's #1 advisor.

But where is the outrage from the right? Rudy still leads in the polls, and is popular amongst conservatives. This, despite his pro-gun control, pro-choice and other positions the right usually lambastes a candidate for. This despite he and Judith having enough spouses between them to field a 6 man volleyball team. Or if you prefer, a basketball team with a coach. the only question being, who would be the coach? Rudy or his "#1 advisor?"

And now Rudy has expressed his intentions to allow his wife the same kind of free hand that Hillary had in the 90's and the right is silent on the issue. The same party who has scoured Hillary's backround looking for dirt under any rock they can find it. Scrutinizing college papers and actions and holding them up as "red flags" against her.

This recent revelation from Rudy causes 2 questions to come up. 1st, how can conservatives and those on the right consider themselves to be "more principled" than their rivals on the left when they are in mass supporting a candidate that holds none of their values? And the 2nd question would be concerning Judith and is her "personal life" now fair game beyond that of a typical candidates wife in the way that both Hillary and Theresa Heinz Kerry was scrutinized in 2004? After all, if she is going to be "advising" the president a la Karl Rove, shouldn't the voters be informed on her backround and qualifications to do such a thing?

I'm not totally sure of the answers, but they are questions worth asking.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 02, 2007

Oh, she's already taken plenty of potshots out on the ol' Hill-Machine, don't you worry Sean, she's been plenty rotten towards her too, right, KFC?

While I'm not a fan of Hillary that wasn't the point. I'm not rotten towards her at all. I don't like her politics. I don't agree with her one twit. Not even one. But then again, I don't agree with Rudy or Newt either as Presidential material. Heck, there's not many out there I'd gush over. So far the best one I like in the mix, and is a long shot is Huckabee. He seems to be a man of integrity which in itself is not good fodder for Presidential material. Well it is for me, but then I'm not your average joe either.

I look past the talk and look for the one that walk matches talk. I look for one that is well thought of by those around him. I look for integrity and honour. I'm not swayed by popularity and smooth talking words.

I wish that were nonsense, Sean, but my eyes & ears tell a different story.

I agree with this.

on Apr 03, 2007
Statement retracted. Point moot. The non-MSM media does its job again. Lesson learned? America does not want another Hillary. Period.
on Apr 03, 2007
I wish that were nonsense, Sean, but my eyes & ears tell a different story.

i really think it cuts both ways in the media. there are liberal bases and conservative bases of news and editorial, but for at least the past decade, i don't see either side as being dominant. but i do see how either side can see it that way. and i've seen studies and so forth that "prove" that their side is getting the shaft from the media, either in the bulk orf the reporting, or the truth (or truthiness as stephen colbert would say) of it.

Glad to know the non-bitches still have a shot with ya.

lmao!!! thanks for the morning laugh daiwa,,,yeah, they have a shot, lol...

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