From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
both on JU and at large, some show the ability to be human before being a party pundit...
Published on March 28, 2007 By Sean Conners aka SConn1 In Blogging
People write a lot of things here on JoeUser. Some of theings are profound, some are stupid. Some of them deal with our daily lives, some of them are complete fiction and fantasy. Many of the articles on here, and probably the most popular categories beyond the ones concerning either skinning or galactic civillizations are the ones concerning current events, namely, politics.

At least they appear to be to me. But that is probably because I spend the bulk of my time either writing or responding to something having to do with politics on here. I also spend a good deal of my "offline" time (which , by far , is most of my time) studying, discussing or being involved with political matters. So I submit, that maybe this is "just me" or just my perspective, but recently, some things have happened that put my faith back into the political system we live in.

That is, people's abilities to step out of that world and just be human for awhile. To put aside the rhetoric and viewpoints for a bit to concentrate on something more important, us as people. Not a screen name or representative of anything, just people. And when this happens, I like to think that we are reconnected with a fact that eludes us in all those politicl clashes. The fact that we are all really more alike than those political disputes would suggest as they divide us into opposing camps.

The most significant of that rekindling of actual humanity was when the popular, very conservative despite his name, moderateman was hospitalized and near death.

As anyone who has been on JU longer than 6 months can attest to, even tho we occasionally find some common ground outside of politics, MM and I don't exactly see eye to eye when it comes to the Bush administration. Some of those disagreements have escalated into full blown "blog wars" that lasted for extended periods of time. We blacklisted each other for awhile.

But when his wife, Colleen, announced hastily one morning that her beloved was unconcious in the hospital I saw the JU community stand up and drop all political biases to just support him. For weeks, people from all walks sent messages of support, hope and prayer. There was nothing snide, nothing underhanded and nothing beyond genuine goodwill and the hope that MM would be back with us as soon as humanly possible.

It was inspiring. And it reminded me that people don't need to agree on how or when we should go to war to come together and support a man that by most accounts, is a pretty good guy. No one from "the other side of the fence" even peeped about anything bad about him. No one used his offline status as an excuse to attack him without resistance. Everything writen to him or about him was nothing but supportive in one way or another.

Last week, Elizabeth Edwards and her husband John announced that her cancer, which she beat once, had returned. I expected that some would use it as a launch pad to attack John and his candidacy, but the right and other candidates were silent when they weren't supportive. I realize that it possible for some yahoo to have said something in this (and the next example i will give) example that was insulting to either edwards or his wife, ut fortunately, if that happened, it never boiled to anyone's surface.

Then, earlier this week, white house spokesman Tony Snow was found to have a returned and spreading cancer in his colon and liver. And where the opponents of Edwards had been extremely kind and "apolitical" with her situation, I did wonder if the White House opponents would be the same.

And they were. From the left came announcements of support and well wishes. People who had been at Snow's throat over Gonzalezgate just the day or 2 before, were saying nice things about him and hoping for his speedy recovery. Liberal pundits spoke of Snow's likability as a man, his "gentlemanly" ways at all times and his general decency as a person.

And maybe it's just me, but those things remind me and rekindle my faith that we are much more alike than different. Not everyone is capable of seperating issues and dealing with the people who support one side or another on any 1 issue on different levels. Indeed, I was reminded of that when trying to seek some common ground on parenting with Texas Wahine. turns out, when I tried to offer an olive branch and show where we could "work together" and were on the same side, I was insulted, attacked and threatened after it became clear that I and others had a very strong leg to stand on in our view and Tex even admitted as such. It was clear at that moment that Tex's mind couldn't let her find any commonality with someone who didn't fall in lock step with her political views. What a shame.

At those times now, I 'll just have to think of Moderateman, Elizabeth Edwards and Tony Snow.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 29, 2007
(Citizen)little-whipMarch 29, 2007 11:08:57

btw, Sean, since you've seen fit to delete my posts on your threads, expect the same treatment here.

In other words, don't bother. Just go write another long sob story about how badly misunderstood you are, how unfair JU Admin is, and what meanies me and my 'cronies' are.

but on Tex's thread she says this...

little-whipMarch 29, 2007 11:51:49

I wonder where he is this morning? Do ya think he is pulling a DoN on us? You know, disappearing for a few days until all this sinks below the radar? Of course, anyone then questioning his sudden lack of participation will be accused of 'having no life' because obviously he's got far more important things to do than blog.

Except when he's on here blathering, that is. And that's damn near all day, every day.

notice the times of the posts. at 11:08 she is responding to a post i made this morning correcting her on again misrepresenting my position and setting the record straight. then at 11:51, over a 1/2 hour later, she acts like "i am MIA" and she has "scared me out of here" or something.

you are a liar and you are busted whip.

plus, there was several other "harassing posts" from her since i wrote the "my position" article just this morning.

keep talking. keep showing what a liar and how pathetic you truly are.
on Mar 29, 2007
and now i've had to delete the same vile comments a 4th time from the liar.
on Mar 29, 2007
by the way, i never got to thank grey for his comments here. much appreciated:)

on Mar 29, 2007
Cancer is not a political football, and I think some (not here at JU) on both sides of the aisle are trying to use both Snow and Edwards in that regard.

i'm sure a few have, but fortunately i haven't seen much of it boil to the surface. this is one case where i think at least many can agree that the "MSM" has actually served as a pretty good "filter" in these cases by not giving the yahoos a bigger stage by ignoring the "cancerous remarks" some are surely making.
on Mar 29, 2007
The latest victim.

Good Olive branch tho. Cancer is not a political football, and I think some (not here at JU) on both sides of the aisle are trying to use both Snow and Edwards in that regard. A shame really.
on Mar 29, 2007
from the thread i can't even fairly post on...For the record, Sean, don't you EVER pretend to speak for me again. My question to Tex was asked, and answered to my satisfation. You want to start declaring jihad on people on this blog site, do it without me. K?

Gid. i wasn't speaking for you for one moment. i did agree with your position as i stated, that's it. get off your high f*ckin horse pal. i have not done 1 goddamn thing to you. you out of line here, friend. you don't have the right to tell me what to say, what to think or otherwise. of all people, i would expect you to at least acknowledge my right to speak freely and defend myself. i have not been the "aggressor " here by any means imaginable.

but i guess since you were such a coward by posting your high horse opinions on the site where i couldn't reply directly, that just about sums that up. some libertarian you are. defending their hate speech, threats and lack of any sense of decency towards me and actually having the nerve to say what you said to me.

me on a "jihad?" look at how whip is trolloping around trying to sting me with her filth. i'm sorry if your girl tex there got her feelings hurt, but she endorsed and participated in a "jihad" against me. i offered more than once to discuss it with her, or at least stop this crap. give me a freakin break!

and ya know gid, as mean as i'm bein here to you, i'm hopin you are just been exposed to one side before and after you figure it out, i will have a chance to retract these words. but i'm sick of this bullsh*'s not right. and if i vented a little too much, that's why.

on Mar 30, 2007

but i guess since you were such a coward by posting your high horse opinions on the site where i couldn't reply directly, that just about sums that up. some libertarian you are. defending their hate speech, threats and lack of any sense of decency towards me and actually having the nerve to say what you said to me.

WTF? Defending free speech is anti-Libertarian? I'll tell Shane Cory to cancel my monthly pledge because Sean Conners, the king of blogging and apparently the new executive director of the LP, has decreed that I am not a Libertarian because I defend free speech. I'm sure he'll be enthused to hear that n ot only do you speak for me, you now also speak for the Libertarian Party.

i have not done 1 goddamn thing to you

You attacked a friend. You MADE it personal



on Mar 30, 2007
whatever tried to tell me what i could and couldn't say. that's not defending free speech.

and i didn't attack anyone back there. i may have used a lil term that someone took offense to, but i wasn't even given an opportunity to apologize or explain myself, just insulted by your friend. then the pile on, lead by whip...who turns out to be just as bad as the claim she makes on the ny times...and i proved it, despite her protests...and she is still running all over the net insulting me (i deleted most of the posts on my blog as they were just bait)and recruiting whoever she can to "gang up on me" cause i'm so bad and haven't defended squat except your own ego and pride. if she didn't want me to post so bad on her thread, then why not ask me after i posted the 1st time? because she still resented that i won't have a vasectomy? what a joke.

the title is a lark, btw, and you can call me whatever ya want gid, be my guest, this is america.

i've said my peace. if no one is interested in fairly discussing anything and just want to come after me, piling on a site i agreed not to post on so i can;t even directly defend myself (and you defend that too,,,yeah,,,defending free speech,,,whatever...since when is "free speech" 1 way?).

i'll write what i write and anyone who wants to discuss anything is free to. if ya'll wanna play lil games, be my guest. like i said, i've said my peace and could care less what anyone wants to dictate to me.

on Mar 30, 2007
whatever tried to tell me what i could and couldn't say. that's not defending free speech.

Right. I called the local authorities and tried to have you thrown in jail, right? Or I tried to ban you?

You are so full of shit it's pouring out your ears, sean. I never said what you couold or couldn't say and you know it. You trying to make a personal issue a political one is disgusting and beneath you. Frankly, I will say that in my opinion you are a complete disgrace to the LP, and if more members were like you I would be ashamed to be a member. Fortunately, I haven't found most members like you.

You don't know Tex beyond these pages. We do. And while she is more than capable of defending herself on her own, I am NOT going to sit here and watch you run her down just because you disagree with her politics. ALL she asked you to do initially was stay off her blog and you couldn't bring yourself to do that much until Karma warned you.

What are you proving by attacking people, Sean? Do you think you'll INCREASE your readership? Do you think it ENDEARS you to us? It doesn't. Honestly, I started out liking you more than not, now I will not be reading many of your articles. You lost a reader straight out because you had to be an ass.
on Mar 31, 2007
i've said my peace. if no one is interested in fairly discussing anything and just want to come after me, piling on a site i agreed not to post on so i can;t even directly defend myself (and you defend that too,,,yeah,,,defending free speech,,,whatever...since when is "free speech" 1 way?).

i'll write what i write and anyone who wants to discuss anything is free to. if ya'll wanna play lil games, be my guest. like i said, i've said my peace and could care less what anyone wants to dictate to me.

on Mar 31, 2007
It's 'piece' you semi-literate troglodyte

actually, while it's debatable, either can be used and arguments have been made on both sides...this from a recent online debate...

At the time of writing, this poll has revealed that 53.8% of repondents need some lessons in grammar, and more relevantly literary history.

"Said my peace.", in common usage means to have stated something that leaves your mind and thoughts at ease with the relevant subject. You have said what you needed to say and now you are at peace...hence the link to another common phrase "Peace of mind." - being at rest with one's thoughts.

Now, I'm sure everyone is familiar with the phrase "Give you a piece of my mind.", not to be confused with "Giving you peace of mind." The act of giving another a "piece of your mind" generally means that you are expressing a difficult or harsh thought about a subject to another.

Though similar in sound, giving another person a "piece of your mind" is quite the opposite of giving another "peace of mind". In fact, it is most often though giving another a "piece of your mind" that one finds "peace of mind" for themselves, whilst making the recipient of the "piece of mind" uncomfortable or upset.

The implication of "saying your piece" however, does not figure in the same manner that "saying your peace" given the structure of Xylox's post. "I've said my piece." can in fact be found in slang usage, however the mechanics of the phrase in relation to "piece of mind" do not in fact translate properly in the context in which it is usually placed in a comment.

More often then not, the proper phrase "I've said my peace." conveys what the speaker is actually trying to convey. Thus "I've said my piece." is found in slang usage due a lack of understanding of "piece of mind" vs. "peace of mind" in terms of what the writer and saying of "I've said my peace." actually meant when they said it.

Conclusive evidence as to the validity of "I've said my peace." over "I've said my piece." can be found in actual literature: from song lyrics (the Moody Blues, Bob Dylan and Nick Cave use it frequently) to literature (most recently I ran across the phrase in a Dostoyevsky book). I have yet to find "piece of mind" in a work of literature - although I do not doubt that it exists.
WWW Link
on Mar 31, 2007
and the other thing,,,wow,,,a typo,,,big's your
on Apr 01, 2007
Perhaps it's because you use Role-Playing Game sites as your authority on grammar?

and i successfully predicted you would take all that seriously. you are simply s lil narcisist who doesn't know when to shut up.

You often rail about being misunderstood--but I can't imagine why...

the only people i cared about "understanding" my position and the words i chose to describe it were tex and gideon. you or anyone else really never figured into the equation as far as i'm concerned. you are just a lil pest who keeps proving my points over and over again without even realizing it, and without much effort from this end.

and if there is anyone here with a lack of self control, maturity or sense of decency, it is clearly you. and you have shown just how overblown your lil napoleanic complex is. just go and keep recruiting cronies if it makes ya feel better. i'll be more than happy to keep the show goin if that is your wish as much as my time permits, but aren't you the one who was preaching about people insisting to go where they are clearly not wanted?

have a nice day:)
on Apr 02, 2007
buh bye
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