From the King Of Blogging, Sean Conners. Various articles and op/ed's on just about anything from A to Z. Politics, religion, entertainment and whatever else seems interesting at the moment. Members and non-members alike are welcomed to participate in th
What is your opinion. Do the people we elect to office serve the public or lead the public? Some tend to think that an elected official is there to represent and vote how his constituents want them to. Others feel that when someone is elected, it is then up to them how to vote.

For most it seems, they want their official to lead when their opinion is in agreement with the politician. And likewise, serve when their opinion disagrees with the politicians view.

It's similiar to how we view judges. We judges as activists when their opinions disagree with ours. When they agree, we applaud them for "upholding the constitution."

Personally, I believe the main responsibility of an elected official is to serve. When they choose to go against what their constituents want, it is the politicians job to explain why they were justified in defying the will of their voters. If the voters agree, then they can get re-elected. IF they disagree, they will be replaced. At least "on paper."

What is your view?

on Nov 06, 2006
I think leaders aren't born as such but made by the situation they find themselves in. In fact, the genuine leader doesn't really start off by thinking of him/herself as such but by positively reacting to confront a problem that faces him/her out of disgust for lack of apparent solutions. One trait of a genuine leader is discerning the most effective solution from amongst the cacophony of ideas that will be thrown his way in trying to search out for solutions. He has to be able to crystallize those varied opinions into realistic options and make an effective sales-pitch for support to the very people who threw in those ideas. In so doing, it can be said that after finding and helping form a concensus on what the majority wants and needs, he actually becomes, a servant of the people.

On the other hand, there are many false leaders who always, even in utter disregard of anyone else's opinions, have this "bright" idea and remain unwilling to hear of his ideas' inherent weakness or if a better idea exists and pursues to ramrod his idea despite all odds just to see if he can be proven right , in the end. These are the dangerous type of leaders who may eventually ruin a lot of lives. By a long stretch of imagination can they be considered "servants" of the people.
on Nov 06, 2006
Do the people we elect to office serve the public or lead the public?

They are elected with the understanding that they will serve their consituents, then they show that they are full of shit. People call them worthless, morons. Those people vote for them again.

So, who's the moron?

Example, here in Oregon. Our governor, Kulengoski, has done almost nothing. His supporters claim that he couldn't with "the republican controlled congress," i call BS. He could still do many other things, and yet he doesn't.


on Nov 06, 2006
servants. They're supposed to come in when you have really stubborn bloodstains on the carpet and legislate all the badness away.